Winter Break

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For the next couple of weeks I'd try my best each day when I'd go over to his house to work on his library. But each time I did, I'd always end up getting distracted...

"Charlie go away, you're distracting me." I told him, pushing at his arms which he slipped around my waist.

"I'll give you something distracting, if you want." He growled by my ear.

I elbowed him away but nothing worked. "I'm never gonna get this done if you keep bugging me like this."

"Who says you have to?"

I groaned at his persistance, when in truth I loved everything about it. "Nice try, idiot."

He didn't say anything and I felt as he looked around at the other walls that were beginning to empty out as I organized them in neat piles on the floor. "You've actually gotten really far on this." He said, seeming to be impressed.

"Yes, that's why I now have to finish it."

He let go of me and walked around. I watched him.

This man who treated me like his... his girlfriend. He was stubborn and manly and mean and perfect. The man who I was used to see wearing formal clothes with slacks and Italian shoes and ties... He walked around wearing jeans and a white tshirt. His hands in his pockets and his hair carelessly messed up here and there. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was mine.

At that thought I scolded myself inside. No, we didn't own eachother. If there was something I hated the most it was possession. If anything, we had a thing. Well, we did. We kissed eachother, we slept together, we ate together, we teased eachother. Things between us were just fine the way they were.

He turned and looked at me. "I'll give you an hour." He said. "Then I'm coming to get you back in my bed." He slipped out of the office and I bit my lip to hold in the giddy smile that was wanting to show.

I did as much as I could within that hour, and as soon as it was up, he swooped me in his arms and locked the two of us in his room. We often did that.

It was the weekend, and we were in his bed the next morning, clotheless and hot from being tangled together. My phone rang.

"Ungh." He groaned, the vibrations of his chest echoing in my ear.

I rolled over and grabbed it from the night stand.

It was Andy.

We hadn't spoken in weeks. He was always on business these days, and cameras were following him around like crazy so we never got to talk to eachother anyway.

I wanted to answer it, I wanted to see how he was, and my selfishness wanted to know if he still thought about me. Obviously he still did.

"Are you gonna answer him?" Charlie's voice woke me from my dilemma and I flinched at it. "You've been staring at your phone for a while now." He said.

I put my phone back on the night stand and rolled back into him. He embraced me back and I saw the satisfaction in his eyes when he looked down at me. I was happy I made him happy, but something in me still throbbed with guilt. I just wanted to see how he was.


It was a Friday and I was at home alone, like usual. Something in me thought of Andy. I called him.

"I didn't realize how much I missed your voice." He said when I asked how he was.

The truth was, I didn't realize how much I missed his either.

"Christmas is coming up." He mentioned while we caught up with eachother.

"It is." I let out with a sigh. The stress was unreal. I wasn't even sure why, but I felt like I had so much to do. Really I didn't know if I was supposed to get Charlie something. What was I even supposed to get him? Were we even that kind of relationship?

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