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The garden was mine. Mine.

I sat in calculus, thinking about it, the trying to remind myself to pay attention the the man speaking up front. Yeah, numbers, letters, symbols, I gave up, staring down at my paper. What was this?

"This is due at the end of class, by the way." He said boredly, and I could just picture him staring at the back of my head while twisting his pen and weaving it between his fingers. I felt him as he watched me stare down helplessly at my paper and he probably knew I hadn't been paying attention.

Well, I happened to half-move in with this one smart guy, so yeah, I'd figure it out soon enough.

When I thought about it, I sort of did move in. Not completely, of course. I left clothes there, since I slept there now. I ate there. I did homework there. I read there.

I showered and got ready for school back at my house. That was pretty much it.

It wasn't serious, it was just fun.

Well, to him at least.

The bell rung sooner than I thought and I threw my head back in relief. Now to learn what I was supposed to be doing...

The class emptied, and I glared at my paper. "What the hell is this?" I asked helplessly, holding the paper up and seeing him slip off his glasses to look at it. He rolled his eyes.

"That's the class work you were supposed to do." He said bluntly.

"I don't understand it." I said in frustration, standing up and sitting by him.

"Maybe it's because you weren't paying attention." He mocked and I rolled my eyes right back at him.

He got out a text book and looked at me. "Hey, we haven't done this in a while." He said with a little excitement.

I gave him a look saying he amused me, but he still seemed stupid. "Yeah." I simply said, amusing him also and he scooted close and took my hand, allowed to do it now.

Well, not allowed allowed. But it was okay with me and okay with him. He began, reminding me what meant what and I still had to stop him, "You're going too fast." I sighed.

He started over, slower this time and I was able to understand. He actually was being patient with me. I was comfortable.

He turned in his chair while I worked the page and he began getting packets together for who-knows-what, and there was a knock, then an enter by Mr. Joseph.

"Jo!" I said happily, seeing he also lit up.

"Diana, how have you been?" He asked happily.

"Great, you?"

"Great as well, how was your break?"

I chuckled, "It was boring as hell for one thing-"

"Language." Mr. Grant said in his chair, still leaning over and searching through an organized stack of papers.

I ignored him. "How was yours?" I asked Mr. Joseph.

"It was great. I kissed my wife on New Years." He said with a grin that lit up his entire sweet-old-man face.

I laughed at that look of struck-love. "Did you have a New Years kiss, Diana?" he asked accusingly, as if he was my grandfather or something.

I hated how I blushed at his question and didn't know what to say. Charlie picked the perfect time to interrupt and I loved him for that.

Well I loved him regardless.

"Sorry, Mr. Joseph, I was looking for the unit-six packets. They're scattered." He said grumpily and he old man shrugged.

Smile For Me (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now