The First Time...

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Hello everybody! I hope you like it so far. School had started back up again as well as cross country season, so I don't know how much writing I'll be able to get done. What I do know is that I will try my best to upload every six days, like always and be on time.
This chapter is in my opinion where the story begins to mold itself and it introduces some extra characters. Tell me what you think, and thanks for reading ♥

Over the weekend, I finished most of my homework and did nothing. I literally did nothing but lay down and make myself miserable. I layed in the middle of my living room and in the morning my brothers came by and picked a few things up, and asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing. If something was wrong, I'd be fixing it." I told them.

It was almost ten o'clock at night and they were back.

"You're still on the floor?" Bailey asked and hit the light switch, burning my eyes. I groaned and turned over.

"Hey Diana." My brothers' friend, James, said to me. He's been their friend for as long as I can remember, and basically my brother. He was just as protective as them.

"Hi." I said.

"Did you even eat?" Chris came over and asked.

"No, did you bring me something?"

"Yeah, come sit down." Austin said, sitting at the dinner table and setting out fast food.

I layed for a second, trying to gather back all my strength to get up when Bailey stood over me and held out his hands. I took them and he pulled me up effortlessly. "I hope you're not still mad at me..." He said.

Bailey was always the first brother to apologize, and he was always the first one I forgave. I gave him a quick smile, knowing if I didn't he'd feel bad for the rest of the night. "It's alright, Bailey."

He smiled happily and pushed me towards the table. "Let's eat."

They brought Whataburger, and something inside of me jumped with quick happiness. "Ah, look at her, she's happy." James said to Austin and they laughed. My brothers were much more layed back with James around, he was just that kind of guy.

I ignored them and sat down to eat. Very well aware that I probably had calc homework to be done.


Monday crept around the corner faster than I expected. I woke up forgetting for a second about my organized tutoring.

It was the usual morning routine for me. Take a shower, let my hair air dry. Get dressed, and leave.

I stopped by Racetrack to get coffee- and was one of the first to because it was a Free Week for coffee. Whatever size, whatever type, it was free. When I got mine and another for someone else, I drove to the public library. I liked to wake up earlier than usual so I could do that exact thing.

"Morning Diana!" Alexa, the front desk lady, said to me with a yawn. I stood in front of her and returned the book I had checked out before.

"Morning! Tired?" I asked when I set out the cup of coffee for her. She nodded with a smile and took the book back, then searched under her desk for the book I had on hold and soon checked it out for me. "You're so sweet, thank you so much." She said with relief. 

"It's no problem, have a good day."

Heading to school with such hesitation, I got to my first period in time. I sat down and easily learned everything we were supposed to in IB Literature. But that was nothing unusual.

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