Chapter 17

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I wanted him to forgive me, but he did have all the right not to, I could've saved Julia but I was so lost on the moment that, I didn't even know what year or day or even what time it was. I examined John, he looked broken but he seemed fine. He was good at hiding away his feelings, but not so much. "Tell ya what", he said. "What?", I asked. "Want to go see Stuart?", he asked hoping for me to say yes. "Yeah, I haven't seen him in awhile", I stated happily. "Well come on", he announced bolting up. "Ughhh I don't feel like climbing over the gate!", I whined. "It's good exercise!", he joked with a laugh.

After leaving Strawberry fields, we both went down to a bus stop. "Stu asked for you last week", John remarked. "Really?", I inquired. "Yes he said, Where's Ella Bella ", he mocked. "Ella Bella?", I inquired confusingly. "He was trying to ryhm you're name with another", he explained. "Oh", I replied. John then looked at my appearence with a weird gaze. "What?", I asked. "You need to change out of those clothes", he pointed out. I looked down at my outfit, I was wearing my regular clothes. "Come on let's go down to my house so you can change", he insisted. "Yeah that's fine", I agreed. "I put the clothes you bought in a drawer in the room you stayed", he claimed. "Oh thank you", I appreciated.

He opened the door to his home and let me in. He then rushed up the stairs making me feel a bit worried that he would end up tripping on the way up. I followed up and met him in the hallway where the bedrooms are. John walked into the room that I had been staying in. "The clothes are in there", he pointed to a drawer. "Yeah I'll change into them", I agreed. "I'll wait downstairs", he said. I waited till John closed the door behind him and then I opened the drawer. The drawer was filled with clothing that John had bought me at a store down at Penny Lane. I smiled as I choose my outfit. I threw on a white button blouse, a blue sweater, and a red wine skirt with little blue flower prints on it.

 I threw on a white button blouse, a blue sweater, and a red wine skirt with little blue flower prints on it

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I walked out of the room and down the stairs. "What do you think?", I asked him. "It looks bloody great", he remarked. I looked down at my outfit, admiring it deeply. "Can I ask for a favor?", he inquired. "Yeah", I listened. "Can you please run down to the deli and get me some lemons and cigs?", he said. "Lemons?", I asked. "I promised Mimi this moring I would bring her some but I forgot and I don't have time to get them now so could you please do a lad a favor!", he pleaded. "Alright fine I will!", I agreed. "Great! Take this with you", he celebrated as he took out some money from his pocket. "Go now before Mimi arrives!", he rushed. I quickly pace out of the house and walk towards the gate. I try to remember where I last seen a deli, I swear I have seen one around the street here when John and I walked. It seemed like I was walking in complete circles, I couldn't find the deli and I'm for sure I don't remember the way back to John's house. I heard the wheels of a bike approach from behind me. "Hello there!", A voice called me. I turn around to see George riding his bike right next to me. Just the presence of George made my spirit lift up a bit. "Oh hi George!', I greeted him. "Haven't seen ya on a long time", he reveiled. "I know.... I went back home", I lied. "Really?", he inquired. "Yeah...but I'm here!", I said. "That's great....where are you up to Ella?", he asked. "Oh! I need to go down to the deli and get some lemons and cigarettes for John", I explained. "But I have no idea where the deli is?", I japed.
"I can take ye", he suggested. "Could you please?", I begged. "Follow me", he directed as he rode his bike to a different direction. I tried to walk the same pace as his bike rode but I'm such a cluts that I tripped on my own feet. "You alright?", George asked. I looked up at him in embarassment. "Yeah I'm...fine", I firmly stated turning a bit red. "I'll go slow for you", he said. I smirked a bit trying to cordinate myself. "How old are ye?", he asked. "17", I answered. "Oh", he murmured. "Are you still staying at John's home?", he asked. "Yeah", I replied. "You should come over to mine, you can meet my sister, my mum, and my brothers", he trailed on. "Oh I would like that", I said. He flashed that amazing smile he had, that smile that I only had watched on youtube or photos of him, the smile that I thought I wouldn't get to see personally and up close. "You have a great smile", I said. "Ah, thank you", he replied shyly. "No problem", I chuckled.

"Here's the deli", he pointed. I looked over at a corner store that had in big bright words that read Deli. "Do you want me to help you in there?", he suggested a bit shy. "Actually yes", I agrees happily at his offer. He smiled and left his bike on the sidewalk. We walked inside the deli and the man at the counter greeted us with a strong liverpudlian accent. "The lemons are there", George directed me to a stack of yellow lemons. "Perfect!", I rejoiced as I glanced up at George. I picked out about five lemons and hoped that these were enough of what John needed. George came back with a pack of cigarettes in his hand. "You also need this right?", he asked. "Yes, Thank you", I accepted. "Are ye ready to pay?", he asked. "Yeah I think so", I answered. "You don't mind me walking around the deli while ye pay?", he asked. "No of course not go ahead!", I agreed. He flashes a smile and dissapeared in the isles. I walked over to the cash register to have my thinks checked out. The man at the registered gave shot me a smile and ringed up my things. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here eh?", he asked. "Oh I'm just shopping", I replied. He nodded and looked back at me with another smile. "How old are ye may I ask?", He asked. I kind of pauses a bit. "Seventeen", I answered a bit hesitent. "Well you sure are a pretty one", he said with a wink that made me a bit uncomfortable. "Thanks", I mumbled. "Are ye married", he asked. I was sort of taken a back from his question, I began scanning the deli looking for George but he was no where in sight. "No I'm not married", I stated. "That makes two of us", he smirked. I was now freaking out inside at how this man was acting like a total creep. "You got a boyfriend?", he asked. I was about to reply back but then a voice behind me spoke. "Yes she does and it's me", someone said behind me. I look over my shoulder and it was George. I smiled at him and mouthed thank you to him. "That's right you both walked in together", the cashier said annoyed. "Lets leave", George whispered. We walkes out of the deli quietly, I was still a bit shaken by the cashier trying to hit on me. "Hey thanks for backing me up in there", I remarked. George picked up his bike from the ground and rode on top. "He was latching on to ye, so I had to say something to that bloody bastard", he spat. "Hey calm down, it's ok...I'm ok", I insisted. "I know my way back, you don't have to accompany me", I said. "Are ye sure?", he asked. "Yeah it's alright", I responded. "See ya then", he said as he rode off on his bike into the distance.

I knew my way back to John's house. I was really getting the hang on everything now, well almost. I walk and walked and I got a little closer to Mendips. But something caught me off guard. John and a group of other guys were huddled in the middle of the street in front of John's house. I was thinking they could be friends of John's but they seemed to be yelling a bit at each other. I quickly stumbled over to group of guys and next John. "John what's going on?", I asked as I got closer to him. "Get inside", he demanded staring at one of the guys in front of him. I turn to look over at the antourage of teddy boys hovering us. They seemed familiar especially the ginger one. "Ella! Get inside the house!", John demanded me again. I stood frozen there, I then remembered it was the same guys that John had a confrontation with at the pub, I remembered the gingered haired one is named Alphie. "What Lennon! You're little bird can't stay and watch?", he mocked. I stared back at Alphie and his friends with a scared look, I've never could put on a brave face let alone when an argument or a fight was happening. " Get the bloody hell out!" John growled back at them. This time Alphie stepped forward up to John and pulled out a pocket knife from his jacket and lifted it up close at John's face. "Go ahead Lennon, hit me you bloody bastard and see what I will do to you and you're precious bird", he hissed with the knife still close to John's eyes. "No! John!", I leaped in between them. "John please ignore them! Lets go inside!", I stressed. John didn't bother to listen to me or even glance up at me at all, he had a firm face even when Alphie pointed the knife at him. "You hurt her....You get you're ass beat! All of YOU", John yelled. Alphie backed up a bit and revealed an evil grin. "Let's go lads!", he demanded. "But we'll be back soon", he mumbled. They left, it made me feel a little better now that we weren't in some danger. John stormed back inside without again making any contact with me. I walked inside and followed him in the living room where he sat on a chair covering his eyes with his hand. "Why were they here John?", I asked. He took off his hand from his face and looked at me finally. "I got into something with them while you were gone", he answered. "When I went to the deli?", I asked again. He paused. "No...the day I thought you were never coming back", he explained. "Why would you think that?", I asked. "I don't know I thought...the fact that I blamed you for my mothers death", he said silently. I didn't answer back, Julia was crossing my mind, it was a shame that she's not here anymore, it feels like the sun hasn't come out yet. I sat down on a chair across from him. "You know...Julia reminds me of a nice sun", I said trying to ease the moment. John looked at me waiting for me to continue. "She was a sun that came out after the rain, brought joy and amusement into people's lives....and whenever she appeared into the lighted my day, and your's too", I marveled. A smile appeared on John's face as I said that. " I miss her", I said. "Me as well", John replied. "Come on, lets go see stuart", he continued.

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