Chapter One

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(A/N, before you begin, I will let you know there will be parts of this story that have french in it. There will be translations after the sentences, and I apologize if I am incorrect on some terms, feel free to correct me! I am using the knowledge that I have gotten in French class. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!)

Past (1673) -Somewhere in England-

As Klaus hunts his prey, he stumbles upon a wall covered with vines. His curiosity gets the best of him, as he begins pushing past the vines. It opens up to a beautiful field with a large tower in the middle and a waterfall behind it. It was gorgeous. Klaus decides to inspect the matter, and maybe even have some of the blood of the person who resided in the tower.

Using his speed and strength, he quickly climbs the tower with hardly any effort. He opens the window to see a cozy little place. Someone had definitely been living there. His eyes wander to the bundles of golden locks that surrounded him. "Hello?" his silky British accent calls out, startling the woman that sat on the beam above. "Who are you and why are you in my home?" She calls down to him warily. She never had strangers enter her home, let alone a guy.

"I stumbled upon it while out for a stroll." He lies smoothly. The blonde woman jumps down from the beam in the ceiling, landing gracefully on her feet. She moves the hair out of her face and it's like the breath is knocked out of Klaus. In all of his years of existence, he'd never met anyone as beautiful as the woman before him. "Who are you?" He questions in awe. "I asked you that first, sir." She states with a smirk. "I am Lord Niklaus Mikaelson." He bows. "A lord?" She questions, circling the man like a predator.

"Yes, I am indeed." He chuckles. "I am Rapunzel. Now, I am truly sorry but you can not be here. If my mother discovers you, she will not be happy." Her happy, confident demeanor was diminished, instead, it was replaced with fear and worry. "Is she keeping you here against your will?" Niklaus asks her. Rapunzel looks towards her bare feet. "She only is doing what she thinks is best. She wants to protect me from the outside world." She defends. "There is no protecting you from something everyone is meant to enjoy!" He tells her bewildered. He looks into her eyes and saw something he saw in himself. Fear and loneliness.

"How would you feel if I told you there is a huge new world out there? Full of adventures and cultures, beyond your imagination. A world I could show you." He suggests. Klaus had no clue as to why he was so kind to this lady he had only just met, but he felt drawn to her. "I'd tell you that sounds wonderful... but I can't. My mother would find us. No matter what." She states you could see the fear in her eyes.

Klaus walks up to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I promise you, I will protect you from your mother." He tells her. A look of hope and happiness overtakes her face. "You would do that?" She asks. He nods, smiling slightly. "What do you say?" He questions, holding out his hand. "Do you wish to explore the world with me?" He asks, hope building up inside him. A small smile begins to make its way onto her lips, as she grabs his hand, breaking out into a full smile. The smile took Klaus's breath away, it seemed as if this girl had that effect on him. "I say, let us get out of this dreadful tower." Rapunzel throws down her hair, watching it spiral down to the ground below. She hooks it to the latch above before looking behind her. "Are you coming?" She quizzes as she sees him looking at her in awe. He nods, following the blonde. "Hold on!" She grabs him and he wraps his arms around her waist before they slid down her long tetras of hair. When they reach the bottom, Rapunzel giggles as her feet touch the grass for the first time.

Klaus watches as the young woman rolls in the grass, giggling and squealing with joy. He admires her from afar, completely smitten by her and her innocence. In a world full of darkness, she seemed to be a ray of sunlight, shining through his dark facade. She was pure while the rest of the world was tainted. From this moment, Klaus knew that this woman would be the death of him.


One Year Later

Klaus had surely held up his promise as he shows Rapunzel the world of cultures and beauty. Rapunzel's long golden locks are tamed in a braid, flowing down to her ankles, making it easier to walk. As Rapunzel and Niklaus walk through the city of Paris, France, Rapunzel hums a tune. Her arm is wrapped graciously around Klaus's, her head rested on his shoulder. They were to meet up with his siblings later, so they tried to enjoy the alone time they had. Over the past year, Niklaus had fallen helplessly in love with the blonde, and the feelings were mutual.

"Pour toi, mon soliel." For you, my sun. Niklaus says in French, placing a beautiful red flower behind her ear. Rapunzel blushes, looking at the handsome man before her. Everything seemed so perfect... but little did they know, that it wouldn't last long.

As they arrive at their home, they are greeted by the Mikaelson siblings. Kol happily takes Rapunzel into a hug, happy to see his best friend. All the Mikaelson siblings adored Rapunzel, loving her as if she was their family. They eat dinner in the dining room, Rapunzel by Nik's side and Rebekah's, much to Kol's dismay. All four of the siblings all seemed to have a special bond with the girl. Rebekah and her share the being of girls, loving to shop and talk. Kol and her shared the bond of humor, always cracking each other up with goofy little jokes. Elijah and her share their love of literature and music, simply enjoying one another's company. But Klaus and her, that's a completely different story. They were hopelessly in love with one another, but both were too afraid to admit it. Everyone but them can see, secretly waiting for the two to fall into one another's arms.

They share smiles and laughter as they sip the finest wine. From others perspective, they looked like your average happy family... and they were.

That night, everything was about to change. As Rapunzel roamed the gardens of their backyard, she hears a noise. She turns to find someone she never thought she'd see again. "Mother?" She gasps in horror. "Hello, my darling." She greets wickedly. "How did you find me?" She questions, backing up towards the manor. "I told you, I would always find you. There is no escaping me Rapunzel!" Gothel declares. "I will never return to you, mother." She spats. "They don't really love you, you stupid child! You're just a burden to them much like you were to your real mother!" Gothel claims, shocking the blonde. Rapunzel turns away and begins walking back up to hers and the Mikaelson's home. She hears the older woman begin to chant, the wind picks up. She turns to see her mother, horror strikes the blondes face as Gothel raises a knife, cutting off all of her blonde locks. Her hair remains blonde but is much shorter.

"By sundown, you will be of no use to your lover boy and his family. You will be asleep for centuries to come, that is until the spell is lifted. Have a good sleep, child." Gothel cackles as she disappears into thin air.

Rapunzel falls to her knees, letting out a sob. She lets out a scream of despair, it echoing throughout the garden. "Rapunzel!" She hears Niklaus yell. "Rapunzel!" Kol also calls. All of the Mikaelson siblings search for the blonde haired woman, only to find her curled up in the flowers, crying. "Love, whatever is the matter?" Niklaus questions the blonde. He goes to get a closer look at her, only to see her hair now short and up to her shoulders. He lets out a gasp. Rapunzel looks up with tears in her eyes.

"She found me. Y-you promised you would protect me." Rapunzel cries. She told the Mikaelson siblings what mother Gothel had told her. That she only had until sundown... which was very soon. "B-but that leaves but only two hours." Rebekah cried for her friend. They all follow Rapunzel as she walks inside, her tear filled eyes remained looking towards her feet. She quietly sat on the loveseat, closing her eyes tightly, trying to fight the tears. She said her goodbyes to each of the siblings but now was for the hard part. She looks her love in his beautiful ocean-like eyes. She places a gentle hand on his cheek, sending him a small, but sad smile. "I am so sorry, mon soliel." My sun.

"Niklaus, do not blame yourself. Promise me you will not." She begs, her lip quivering as she caught one of the tears that fell from his eyes with her thumb. "I do not know If I could promise that, love." He said, his voice rough from holding back tears. "I will be back. I do not know when, I do not know how, but I will. We will continue where we left off, ma douce." my sweet. "How do we know you will return?" He asked, placing his large hand over her small one that laid on his cheek. "We don't..." She whispered, telling the truth. "Rapunzel, I..." Before he could get out those three words, Rapunzel's hand slips from his face as she falls into her deep slumber until the spell is broken.

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