Introduction (Alt title: Jokes)

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"Say it again!" Townsfolk cheered and sang, some dancing on tables to create an exciting beat. "Who's a man among men? Who's the super success? Don't you know? Can't you guess? Ask his fans and his five hangers-on! There's just one guy in town who's got all of it dooooowwwnn!"
Lefou took centre stage and stole the show "And his name's G-A-S...T..... I believe there's another T....." Nope, that wasn't it. Gaston looked at him confusedly as even he tried to think of how his name was actually spelled "It just occurred to me that I'm illiterate and I've never actually had to spell it out loud before...." Lefou let out nervously.
Luckily most the drunken villagers in the tavern that night were also very much illiterate and therefore didn't put much thought into it. They all cheered as the song came to a close "Gastoooooonnn!"
Everyone slumped into their seats talking vividly about memories in which Gaston had done something heroic or admirable- like the time he shot and killed a nuisance bear that'd be reeking havoc on the village a few years back. Or the the time he saved a maiden from her burning household. But mostly his many victories from the war.
Gaston fell into his throne of a chair, Lefou taking up his usual perch on the arm of said chair, hearts racing and breath rugged as they calmed after the flash-mob style musical number. "Ahh, Lefou, " Gaston looked to his quote-end-quote 'sidekick' with a smile and asked "How is it no woman has snatched you up yet?"
Lefou blushed slightly-bairly noticeably before shrugging out an answer "I've been told that I'm clingy, but I really don't get it."
Maurice stepped in looking distressed and headed immediately to the bar to order a drink. No one paid him any mind. He was probably just having a hard night.
Gaston chuckled to his friend, brow raised in a question "Is that all? I thought for sure it might have something to do with your preferences."
Lefou' cheeks heated wildly "W-what are you implying?!"
Gaston let out a guffaw of a laugh and clamped a large hand down on the others shoulder "Nothing, old friend! It's just a joke!" He shook his head. "Now how about another mug of ale?" He tossed Lefou a couple of coins.
The chubby man nodded and made his was up to the counter, passing various groups and gatherings of men and women just having a good time at the late hour. He took a stool next to Maurice and held up two fingers for the tender to see before placing the coins on the bar's top. As he waited he glanced to the older man seated next to him. Maurice looked hellish, as if something truly terrible had taken place previously that evening. "Uh... rough night?" Lefou questioned lightly.
Maurice nodded tiredly "Yes. Just.... Belle being Belle... stubborn..."
"Oh." The younger responded "What happened?"
The old man shook his head "Nothing..." he lied "She's just gotten stuck in a situation and won't let me help." He sighed "I believe in her though. If she says she'll find a way out... she will."
Lefou smiled reassuringly "Well she is pretty strong-willed isn't she?" The bartender planted two mugs before him and Lefou thanked him quickly before standing back up. "Wish you both well, Maurice. I've got to go."
"Yes, you as well. Goodnight Lefou." The older man dismissed.
With that Lefou wandered back over to Gaston and handed him one of the mugs.
Gaston crained his neck to eye the man by the bar "Huh, what's up with Maurice? He looks as if he's been ravaged by wolves." He asked
Lefou shrugged "Sounded like he and Belle just had a disagreement over something. I'm sure all's well."
Gaston shrugged and leaned back into his seat. He gulped down his drink as his friend simply sipped his. All was silent between them for a long moment. Lefou watched as Stanley won a game of Black Jack. Some of the other men nearby were placing bets over who'd win a game of darts. He saw some of the women sneaking glances their way- more specifically at Gaston before gushing and giggling in their gossip. Gaston obviously noticed them, as Lefou watched him roll his eyes. "Wonder what their talking about?" The large man said sarcastically "Honestly, you'd think they'd run out of things to whisper about."
Lefou sipped his beverage again "Not necessarily. You're Gaston. Everyone either wants to be you or fuck you. There's a lot to discuss right there." He comments semi-sarcastically.
Gaston shrugged "So Lefou..." he changed the subject "What're you doing for the rest of tonight?"
Lefou shrugged "Hopefully sleeping."
"Want to stay over at my place?" The other asked casually.
Lefou however almost choked on his beer "What?! Why? For what?"
The larger man rose a brow "Help? I'm sure to be hungover in the morning. You're the only guy I know with working remedies. What were you thinking?"
The chubby man looked away, his cheeks once again ablaze "N-nothing Gaston. Just that... perhaps you were a little... way too drunk." He glanced back with an attempted smirk, trying to play off his reaction.
Gaston stared at him blankly a moment, gears obviously slowly turning in his head as he tried to figure out what the other was saying. Suddenly it clicked and he laughed. "Oh! I get it! Great joke Lefou!" He smiled again before snatching away his friends ale "Are you going to drink this?" But before Lefou could respond, Gaston was chugging it back.
Lefou sighed "Nope..." he responded defeatedly , popping the P in the word as his mind wandered to try and think of what his joke had even been, or really meant. Did he just unintentionally shame homosexuality? His own preference? Probably- there's his slice of self-hate for the day. But it doesn't matter... inverts... sodomy... that stuff was wrong anyway, right? He could joke about it. Just like he can joke about himself... if it's wrong it's funny... and if it's funny it's okay... right? That's how humour worked. Right? Besides hadn't Gaston made a gay joke earlier? If Gaston did it- it must be right. Everything about Gaston was right. Perfect even, Lefou thought. His eyes, his hair, his deep husky voice... his seductive smirk.... His rippling muscles... his inviting lips- God Lefou wanted to taste those lips.... wait- no! That's bad Lefou! He scolded himself. That's wrong! Don't let your mind wander there!
He was shaken from his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder again. He looked to Gaston, who stood and spoke "Well then, I say we call it a night. It's almost witching hour."
LeFou simply nodded before he and Gaston made their way out of the tavern into the refreshing night air. Their walk to Gaston's house was rather uneventful. They didn't speak, they didn't joke, nothing. Lefou was secretly happy for that. He wasn't sure if he trusted himself after what he'd just thought about. When they arrived at Gaston's place the homeowner immediately collapsed onto his couch with a tired groan "Ugh, I'm too tired to head upstairs... You may have my bed. I'll sleep here tonight." He said with a stretch.
Lefou locked the door properly. "Are you sure Gaston? No offence but your couch isn't the most comfortable." He knew that for a fact. He'd slept on that lumpy sofa dozens of times.
Gaston only nodded in response before once again changing the subject. "You know, I didn't think you'd make a joke like the one you did."
The chubby man thought a moment to recall his joke before responding "Oh really? Why's that?"
Gaston shrugged with a yawn "You just seem very..." he paused "Out of type. "
What did that even mean? Lefou thought "What do-" he went to voice his thought but was cut off with a snore. Classic Gaston. Lefou sighed and eyed his sleeping companion. "Bonne nuit, Gaston." He mumbled "Sweet dreams." He headed upstairs to fall asleep in Gaston's bed.

Aaaah I'm months too late to this party but whatever! I've just recently found comfort again in watching Disney movies during a rough time, the new Beauty and the Beast being an obvious favourite lately.
Anyway I just really wanted to write this for two main reasons.
1) Lefou x Gaston is my newest addiction
2) I swear to god, things would've been a lot smoother if Maurice had just chilled the fuck out and believed in his daughter. The second Maurice made a fuss about the Beast, Gaston was doomed to die trying to kill him.
So yeah I thought I'd start a new project to distract me from my crippling anxiety and all of my other current irl problems I will not trouble ya'll about.
Hope ya'll decide to read this. And I hope y'all like it too! Feedback would be amazingly appreciated!!! I need constant validation! 🙃
Thanks for reading!

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