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"Honestly Stanley, I just don't know where he stands, you know?" Lefou sighed as he shuffled their stack of playing cards again before another game. "I mean it's obvious he's accepting, but that's where it gets confusing to me."
Stanley nodded and sipped from his mug of ale he'd brought to the yard from the tavern. "How could a straight-forward man like Gaston be so accepting, correct?" He asked. "You're wondering whether he's truly as normal as he says or if there's something he's not telling you?"
Lefou started passing them both their hands of the playing cards with curt nod. "Yeah, sort of? But it's also not just his acceptance that's concerning me. He also seems much too interested in... well... the confidentials of the topic. He keeps asking me questions..."
The other man simply blinked as he processed what he'd just heard. "Gaston wants to know how- uh...." he cleared his throat " H-he wants to know the confidentials of sodomy?" He bit his lower lip in thought. "Mon Dieu... that is concerning, isn't it?"
Lefou nodded again "Most definitely!"
The other man shook his head "I find it hard to believe..." Stanley strained his neck to peer around Lefou to see where Gaston stood just down the way talking with Tom and Dick. "Honestly...I wouldn't think him the type... he's so... Gaston, you know?"
Lefou rolled his eyes at his friends lack of better description. "Oh trust me I know... but I also know that he's been contradicting his usual Gaston-ness as of late." He peered at his cards then looked up to meet his friends eye. "Is your hand shit too?"
Stanley smirked and threw down his cards. "Non! You dealt me a full house!"
Lefou blinked "Well... What are the odds of that?" He chuckled before collecting the cards again to shuffle them.
Stanley shrugged. "Probably about as likely that Gaston is what you're suspicious of him being."
Lefou looked over his shoulder just in time to see Gaston roll his eyes at one of the bimbettes attempts to gain his attention. The man looked around himself a moment before his eyes landed on Lefou and Stanley and he raised a confused brow in their direction. Lefou turned his head back to Stanley, noticed the other was offering him his mug and shook his head dismissively as he took it. "You're probably right. I'm just overthinking." He sipped from the ale, taking a good gulp before handing it back. He was about to deal another hand before
"LeFou?" Gaston called. "Time to go!"
He handed the deck back over to Stanley who tied the cards together with some twine- having lost the little box long ago, and dropped them into his pocket. "I'll guess I'll see you later, Stan." Lefou said in farewell as the both stood from were they sat.
"Oui. For sure." Stanley nodded before reaching out and clamping a hand of his friends shoulder . "And LeFou? Try not to stress, okay mon ami?"
Lefou smiled lightly. "Alright, I will. Good day Stanley."
"Good day LeFou." And they parted ways

Gaston lead LeFou back to his house without a word. Once they were in and LeFou closed the door behind them, Gaston spun on his heel and stared at his friend with narrowed eyes. "What the hell was that, LeFou?!" He asked sounding slightly angered.
"Pardon?" The other asked, confused.
"I said 'What the hell was that?!'!" Gaston repeated. "Out there!"
LeFou tried to think of what he possibly could've done wrong. His mind drew a blank. "I'm not quite sure what you mean...?"
Gaston rolled his eyes. "Oh, so I guess Stanley's your new best friend now or something? You and him walked off to play cards- what the hell?! Since when are you all buddy-buddy with him?!" He threw his hands in the air dramatically.
LeFou was even more confused now. "Stanley and I always go off to chat and play a few hands when the conversations don't concern us... this is nothing new Gaston... We've always been good friends, he and I. We've lots in common."
Gaston looked bewildered. "What could you and him possibly have in common?!"
LeFou blinked. Once, Twice. He knew what he and Stanley had in common, but Gaston didn't need to. "Uh, things? He's just a good man to talk with!"
Gaston's brow furrowed as he tried to think of things LeFou and Stanley would possibly have to talk about. He thought long and hard, he and LeFou simply staring echother down for a minute or two before something clicked. "He's one too, isn't he?" He asked, eyes still narrow.
"What?" LeFou asked, though he knew what. He sweated anxiously, afraid Gaston would find out, but he wouldn't tell him. No. Stanley didn't deserve to be outed.
"He is!" Gaston said, mild shock behind his voice before it turned accusatory. "So what? Is he your lover or something? Is he more important than me now?!"
LeFou blushed a dark crimson. "Of course not! N-no No! Stanley and I- Well he's a swell guy but, no- he's not really my type..." he chuckled embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck. "No, we're just friends. We understand each other and provide support for one another. W-why would you assume..." Realization kicked in. Was Gaston Jealous? He was surely acting as a jealous man would. He shook his head. "And even if he is my friend, there's nothing to be jealous about Gaston. You're still my greatest-"
"I'm not jealous LeFou! I just don't like you being close to Stanley! Why would I be Jealous? I don't own you. I'm not homosexual! I'm not jealous!" The larger man rambled, tone changing between loud and affirming and calm and slightly confused depending on the claim.
LeFou cocked his head to the side. Why would Gaston feel the need to confirm he wasn't interested in men? "You don't have to like men to be jealous... and you're acting pretty jealous to me."
"What do you mean? How am I acting jealous? I'm not jealous!" Gaston continued to deny, arms crossed.
LeFou rose a brow. "You're upset that I have another friend that isn't you. And you jumped to the conclusion that I was... involved... with him. You're worried Stanley may be more important to me than you are- which is ridiculous, let me remind you. We've know each other since childhood, Gaston. I've known Stanley only for a few years. That's jealousy."
Gaston went surprisingly quiet for a long moment before taking a seat in a nearby chair. "Would you ever.... Y'know.... get involved with Stanley?" He asked, changing the subject.
LeFou's blush came back again. "No- as I said earlier he's doesn't really catch my fancy."
"But..." Gaston appeared a little confused. "He's a man who likes men? Isn't that enough?"
LeFou shrugged. "Is any girl who likes men enough for you? You hold interest in specific girls with specific qualities- like Belle, she's your type. Sure Stanley's an invert like I am but other than that he doesn't really hold many of the qualities I like."
"What's your type then? What qualities do catch your fancy LeFou." The larger asked leaning a little closer in interest.
LeFou's colour darkened and he coughed awkwardly. "Well... um..." how could he say 'everything that you are' without actually saying it or making it blatantly obvious? "Heh... Y'know... men." He shook his head, fuck it. It's easier to just say it! "Let's just say I sing your praises for more reason than to cheer you up some nights. I like myself a man among men..." He felt his face grow even warmer and he looked to the floor, suddenly very interested in the make of his boot.
"Me?!" Gaston was honestly surprised. "I was just joking around the other night LeFou! I didn't think you actually- " he narrowed his eyes and looked his friend over. "How long?"
"P-pardon?" LeFou questioned.
"How long have you... Y'know?"
"Well... uh, as long as I've been keen on my attractions towards men? Since I was... I don't know... maybe twelve? Thirteen?" He admitted "Definitely since we were still no more than schoolboys."
Gaston sat back in his seat, his mind obviously thinking up a storm. LeFou was honestly afraid of what his friends would say. Sure Gaston was okay with him liking men, but would he truly be okay if he was the man he liked. Gaston looked to his friend. "LeFou?" He called for the other man to look at him.
"Y-yeah?" The pudgy one responded
"You say you like me... yet you've never made a move on me before?" He tilted his head to the side.
LeFou shook his head. "I've attempted small flirtations, that's it. Up until recently I thought you'd kill me if you knew. Besides, I'm well aware it'll never work out. You're not interested in men then way I am. You're no Nancy like me."
Gaston states him down a long moment, the cogs in his mind turning as he though. "Yes... I'm not a Nancy.... I'm a Gaston. But mon ami, you're also not a Nancy. You're a Fidèle.
The chubby man blushed lightly at the use of his first name. He sent a smile his friend's way. "You're smarter than some give you credit for, you know?" He sighed. "Merci, I needed that."
"No problem, buddy. Anything for you, old friend." The other nodded.

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