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Lefou sat quietly perched on the arm of Gaston's seat in the Tavern as usual, legs happily swinging about as he eyed the show before him. He was watching Gaston reenact one of his war stories, using the tables as his stage, Tom and Dick acting as injured soldiers as Gaston hoisted them both up to show off his muscles. It was the classic tale of how he'd single-handedly saved his entire troop from the jaws of inescapable death! Lefou remembers that story personally- he was there! And he's not going to lie, Gaston exaggerated the 'single-handedly' part but Lefou didn't care much. It was still an amazing tale.
Gaston let out a mock-howl of pain. Yes! This was the point in the story where he gets shot almost clean through his left calf but keeps pushing on to save the last members of his crew in an act of great heroism. Except no-! He sets Tom and Dick down and falls down to one knee, panting and making sounds of great pain as his fresh wound is infected by the mud below him. This isn't a part of the usual story! Lefou realizes- this is what actually happened!
Gaston let's out another growl before announcing "And that's when my good pal Lefou appeared with the very last member of our nearly lost troop!" He looked towards Lefou and motioned for him to come onstage.
Lefou hopped up and ran to Gaston's side "Gaston!" He faked a gasp "Merde! You're wounded! Let's get you out of here!" He then helped his friend up to stand on his good leg and let him use him as a crutch.
"Lefou then patched me up temporarily with a small discarded first-aid kit. It wasn't perfect but it'd do until help came to take our injured men to the nurses." Gaston explained as Lefou mimed wrapping his leg. "If not for Lefou- I may have been lost. The end!"
Lefou looked to him in wonder as the bar filled with cheers and applause. The two of them got off the table and went back to their seat. "You included me this time?" The chubby man asked his companion excitedly.
"Why on course Lefou! You're the most important part of that story! I might've died if not for you." Gaston said in a serious tone.
Lefou blushed "Well... it was nothing Gaston... I wouldn't- no I couldn't let you die. You're much to important."
The larger man shook his head "I'm nothing without you mon ami."
"Captain..." Lefou said feeling so touched he leaned over and pecked the man's cheek to show gratitude.

Suddenly the room twisted and darkened. Everyone who'd been chanting his name moments ago now surrounded them, eyes dark, expressions disgusted and furious. Lefou cowered and looked towards Gaston hoping for help only to find him glaring at him in the same way. "G-Gaston... what's going on?!" He questioned slightly panicked.
Gaston shoved him off the arm of his chair as he stood tall and intimidatingly "You disgusting faggot!" He looked to the crowd and pointed to Lefou "You all saw that didn't you! It just attacked me! Tried to turn me! Get him! Hang him in the square! Kill the little beast!"
The room spun, picking up speed as the crowds closed in around him.

Lefou awoke suddenly with a loud yelp. Sitting upright in Gaston's bed panting and in a nervous sweat. He looked around the room slightly confused. Was that all just a dream? It'd felt very real. The man thought a moment. Gaston wouldn't do that would he? Get him hanged for a simple peck on the cheek? Gaston was better than that right? Gaston was his best friend- they've known each other since they were kids- if he found out Lefou was into guys he wouldn't turn him in would he?
He was brought out of his thoughts by a groan from downstairs. He jumped out of bed and ran to get started on his remedies.
Immediately once downstairs he got a glass of water for each of them. He entered the living room "Bonjour." He said to his friend as he placed one of the glasses of water on the coffee table.
Gaston grumbled out a "Qu'y a-t-il de si bon?"
Lefou chuckled lightly. "What's so good is that the day is full of possibilities!" He smiled "Now, Boire de l'eau."
Gaston glared silently as he sipped his water "What happened to the pickle juice?"
"It's not pickling season yet." Lefou replied "So you just drink that water, then I want you to wash up a little and get dressed while I make some breakfast."
"Ok mother..." Gaston said rolling his eyes before sipping his water again. They sat quietly a moment before he asked "What was that yell about earlier? When you were upstairs?"
Lefou bit his lower lip "Ah... just a nightmare."
"About the war?" He assumed
The chubby man shook his head "No, just a dumb one. It took place in the tavern. Don't worry about it."
"What could be so scary about the tavern?" Gaston questioned further.
"Nothing- just.... people wanted me hanged for something. I don't know. Let's drop it."
Gaston rose a brow "Why would you be hanged?"
"I said drop it!" Lefou snapped. His cheeks reddened once he realized he'd yelled "Oh... sorry... I just..." he sighed "I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to start on breakfast..."
Gaston seemed surprised. His friend never shouted without good reason. "Alright..." he agreed while Lefou retreated into the kitchen.
Gaston finished his water before heading upstairs. He found a small washing pail of new water and took his time washing his face, and running wet hands through his hair to dampen and tie it back. He then went into his bedroom to dress. Stockings, breeches, a loose white shirt, brown vest over that-he wore the red one last night- he eyed his jackets carefully, which one should he wear today? Well it seemed to be fairly warm, however looking out the window it looked like there'd be rain later. He grabbed a weather-worthy brown coat with red accents to it. He then slipped on his boots before heading downstairs.
His head was still pounding however the water had allowed it to subside a little, and preparing himself for the day did make him feel more alive that he had minutes ago. He'd have to thank Lefou.
Speaking of Lefou- Gaston caught wiff of what was being cooked downstairs. Eggs. Such a familiar food. He headed downstairs and seated at the table. Minutes later a heaping plate of eggs as placed in front of him, and a small glass of a sweet juice. He rose a brow at his friend.
Lefou sat across from him with a small plate of eggs for himself. "A dozen eggs and fresh pear juice." He commented.
"Pear Juice?" Gaston questioned lifting the glass and sipping from it. It just tasted of sweet water- then again that's what pears tasted like really "I didn't know you could juice a pear."
Lefou gave a lazy smirk "Gaston I can juice anything so long as it's got moisture."
The larger man chuckled "Well I suppose that only makes sense then." Before shovelling some egg into his mouth. "Any plans for the day, Lefou?"
The man in question shrugged "I figured I'd follow you around as usual. Are you planning on seeing Belle today?"
"Oh most definitely." Gaston said with a confident smile. His hangover was slowly fading into the background.
And just like mentioned, after breakfast the two of them went into town to find Belle. Unfortunately for Gaston, Belle wasn't in the market this morning, and nobody around the village had seen her.
"Maybe it has something to do with what happened between her and her father last night?" Lefou suggested.
"Something happened last night?" Gaston said confused.
The chubby 'sidekick' nodded "I guess you don't remember Maurice looking distressed last night? He said Belle was being stubborn."
Gaston listened and he stood taller "Then perhaps she's in distress as well? Let's go pay her a visit." He turned on his heel and sped in the direction of Belle's house. Lefou sighed and hurried after him.
Gaston fixed his hair again and popped the collar of his jacket before knocking on the door of the little house.
The door opened not to Belle however, but to Maurice. The old man spoke "May I help you?"
Gaston put forth his most charming smile, wanting to have the old man on his side. "Yes you may sir. I'd like to see Belle, if that isn't too much of a hassle."
Maurice frowned "She's not home."
"Nonsense!" Gaston said in more of a joking manner "Why she must be- for she's not in the village. Not a soul in Villeneuve has seen her today sir."
The older fellow shook his head sadly "She's left the village. I apologize. See- she and I faced a little issue late last night, I dreamed for her future, she dreamed of my well-being. We disagreed and she, being the stubborn young woman she is... made her decision and left me." He appeared saddened "Oh, I hope she's alright- Lord let he be light on her..."
"He?" Gaston question, jealousy in his tone. "Whom is he?"
"The Beast..." Maurice immediately covered up the confession. "... of life. Let life be light on her." He had to believe Belle had the power to get out of this alone. She promised him, and Belle never broke a promise. "Surely you know how rough life can be from your experience in the war..."
Gaston felt relieved, concerned, prideful, and at lost all at once. "Do you know if she'll be returning? Or where she's gone to?"
The father shook his head "I'm afraid not- but believe me when I say I have no doubts she'll return." He was lying, the man had many, many doubts. Belle was just a young lady! And now she was locked in a cell in the tower of a spooky cursed castle in the woods with a legitimate beast! But she'd promised to find a way home so all he could do was believe she'd pull through. "And hopefully that it's someday soon..."
"Oh..." Gaston deflated slightly. "Alright, farewell then sir."
Maurice bid the captain good day and Gaston stepped down the stairs to meet Lefou again. "She's left."
"Left?" Lefou asked
Gaston only nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose "Maurice says she's skipped town. It's as if she wants to be a helpless haggardly beggar... a woman shouldn't travel alone."
"I'm sure she'll be back shortly Gaston. She's far too attached to her father to leave permanently." Lefou said trying to cheer him up. "Maybe she's just gone to get something from the market in the next village for Maurice- he's getting too old for those trips." He started walking along down the road.
Gaston rolled his eyes and walked alongside his buddy. "Well you'd think she'd ask a man like myself to accompany her on such a journey. What if she falls into trouble with thieves? Or wolves? Or some kind of Beast?"
"Or perhaps not- it doesn't seem as if she admires your company."
Gaston glared at his friend "She's just playing hard to get Lefou. She'd have to be blind and deaf not to love me." He crossed his arms "I'm a dream."
Lefou glanced away with a slight blush "Well yes, I'm not going to argue the latter. However perhaps you're not exactly Belle's Dream? Everyone has a different dream Gaston. For example you dream of marrying Belle. I personally do not."
"What do you think Belle's dream is then Lefou?" That captain inquired
The chubby man shrugged "I don't know.... she likes reading... and she's never really seemed all that.... content.... living here. Maybe she dreams of adventure?"
Gaston rose a confused brow "No, that can't be it. Adventure is a man's dream, and Belle is no man.... at least I don't believe she is..."
Lefou chuckled "Not all men dream the same, so it's fair to think not all women dream the same either. I don't dream of adventure, or saving maidens or marrying women like other men.... who's to say Belle dreams the same as other women? She's already quite odd."
They approached Gaston's home again and Gaston stopped in front of his door and turned to stare at his friend, mild shock and confusion on his features. "Then what do you dream of?"
Lefou both blushed but also widened his eyes in fear. "I-it's not important." He shook his head.
"Lefou..." Gaston warned "I thought we agreed not to keep secrets with each other."
"When we were 11! Gaston, you don't need to know everything about me. I'm my own man..."
The taller man opened his door and the two walked in. Once the door was closed Gaston turned back to his friend. "But I'm curious now. If you don't dream of women what else could you dream of?"
The shorter shook his head "Gaston, I don't want to talk about it..."
"Come on..."
"Just one dream?"
"I said no Gaston!"
There was a long,long silence in which they simple stared each other down before Gaston asked again "What did you dream of last night? Why did they want you hanged in the dream?"
Lefou sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew he wasn't going to win. Nobody pried into his business like Gaston. "Fine. I dreamt you sent me to be hanged. Because you didn't agree with something about me. A different kind of dream I have."
Gaston sat himself down in a nearby chair "What wouldn't I agree with?"
"That's not important.... I'd rather not this dream come true." 
"I wouldn't have you hanged Lefou. You're my best bud- we've been friends since we were 10..."
"It's really personal..."
"Haven't I told you of my sex experiences before?"
The chubby man blushed again "Yes, but that wasn't something I wanted to know anyway. I didn't need the mental images of you coupling with young women I can never look at the same anymore..."
"But I still told you something personal didn't I? Besides, I thought you'd like the verbal porn.  What man wouldn't?" Gaston said stretching out.
"Me? I told you earlier I don't dream of what other men do. I dream of flower fields and my insecurities." Lefou crossed his arms. He didn't even realized he'd mentioned his dreams.
Gaston smirked and leaned forward "Y'know Lefou, your dreams sounds rather.... feminine."
"Shut up. I know I'm not a 'man among men' like you but you don't have to rub it in."
"No, I'm not rubbing anything in. I'm just saying...."
"Saying what!?" Lefou questioned taken of guard. The conversation was getting uncomfortable and started to hit a little too close to home for Lefou's likings.
"You know what I mean." Gaston waved off.
"No, I don't believe I follow... unless you're implying... hold on.... you know?!" He said surprised.
"Know what?"
"That I- I'm a.... that I dream of men?"
Now Gaston was surprised "You're a homosexual?!"
"Mon Dieu..." Lefou paled. He thought that's what the other had been implying. "I thought that's what you were saying..." he groaned into his hands.
"No! Not seriously anyway- I was joking! Merde Lefou!"
The chubby man in question was just waiting to hear it- waiting to be told to leave or to hear he was sick and going to hell. He knew that it was coming. Except it didn't. Instead all he heard was a very quiet:
"It all makes sense now..."
"Huh?" He looked up slightly to find Gaston was staring at him now. "How did I not notice? Look at you! Of course you like men!"
Lefou blushed looking to the floor.
"Say, is that why you follow me around so much?" He didn't wait for an answer of any kind "Even my best friend is in love with me! Amazing!" He let out a laugh.
Lefou glared at him "Gaston- you can't just-" he paused and looked back down to the floor "You're not going to tell anyone are you?"
"Of course not. Don't be ridiculous! You know what kind of rumours would spread then- with you coming home with me after the tavern so often- I'm a hero, and I'll stay that way."
The smaller frowned "That's the only reason you won't tell? Because you don't want them to think you're a sodomite."
"Why, of course not Lefou. I have other reasons." Gaston frowned concerned.
"Like what?"
"Let's just say we're partners in crime. Sinners stick together."
Lefou's eyes widened "G-gaston?! Are you-"
"No. That's not what I said." He glanced to the clock it was slightly past noon "Come on, let's go on a hunt today."

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