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Maurice toddled his way home from the market. A basket of foodstuffs at his hip. His mind was still spinning in worry for his daughter as it had been a week and a half ago when she'd taken his place in the castle. He was seriously wondering if she was okay. Would he truly ever see her again if he just did nothing? What if she was dead? Oh no- he wouldn't be able to bare that idea- she had to be alive- she had to get out of there. He needed her to.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he'd walked past his house he turned around and immediately almost tripped over someone. "Oh! I-I apologize..." he said on instinct. Following the pair of legs up the body and to their owners face he spotted Agathe. He eyed her change tin and found it empty. It was around noon, he figured she must be hungry. He knew he didn't have enough money to offer, and so he hesitantly sat next to the woman, awkwardly sliding down along the wall and offering his basket "Take what you'd like."
She looked to him in surprise it wasn't a secret that Maurice didn't make much money. Surely if he was offering food that was all he had. "Oh, you don't-" she'd started to say.
"No, but I insist." He gave a reassuring smile.
Agathe simply nodded and reached inside the basket and broke off a piece of bread to nibble on "Thank you." She expected him to get up an go after she chose, however he didn't. He continued to sit two feet away. He was silent, She figured he just expecting her to take more "You may leave sir, I won't take any more."
"Oh- no... I was just-" he said slightly embarrassed. He'd drifted into thought again. He hadn't meant to call upon any awkward situations. He sighed "... I apologize again, mademoiselle." He made a move to stand and that's when she realized there was something off about Maurice today.
"Maurice? Is everything alright?" She asked
"In all honesty no..." he sat back again "I'm sure you've noticed Belle's absence by now. I worry about her being away."
Now that Agathe thought about it, Belle had been gone hadn't she? Normally the young woman would give her a few coins or something to eat- clearly the consideration had been a trait passed to her from her father- every couple days, but she hadn't lately. "Oh, where's she gone?" Agathe asked- although she had an idea. She'd once looked Belle in the eye and saw a glimpse of her future. She'd seen her with Prince Adam- who at this moment was still a Beast. Agathe would know if he'd ended his curse.
Maurice shrugged and hugged his knee to his chest "Not sure..." he lied. "She... ran off."
Agathe could see hurt in his expression, she could also see through his lie. "No offence.... but I don't believe that. She cares too much for you to have simply run away.... You can tell me the truth. It may help, and I won't tell."
His eyes widened and he looked to her in surprise. His expression softened when he looked at the woman however. He wasn't sure what- but something told him he could trust her with the truth. In fact he got the impression that perhaps she already knew something. He looked around at the village around them "I shouldn't speak of it out here... would you like to come inside?" He asked gesturing towards where his house was. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks as he remembered it was uncommon and actually quite inappropriate for a man to invite a woman other than his wife inside his home "I think telling someone could do me some good... that is..." he explained awkwardly.
That caught Agathe off guard. She knew what often the implications of such an offer could be. But Maurice didn't seem like that kind of man... and she agreed that if he could talk to someone about the problem it could help him- and if her suspicions about Belle's disappearance were correct he was right to say talking about it among villagers was not a good idea. "I don't see much of a problem with that." She said at last.
Maurice then stood and extended his hand to help the beggar-woman up, which Agathe accepted with thanks. She handed him his basket before patting the dirt and dust off her skirts. Maurice started walking towards his home and Agathe began to follow, but whilst she walked she murmured the incarnation of an ignorance spell. Anyone who'd see her entering the man's home would think nothing of it and forget- she couldn't have the villagers spreading false rumours. Maurice didn't deserve any more issues.
She sat at a small table in the kitchen area while Maurice put away his groceries. "So, what's happened with Belle?" She questioned
"A beasts taken her... she's Imprisoned in his castle in the woods. She took my place..." the man replied.
Agathe asked nothing of the Beast or castle. "Took your place? What did you do?" She instead inquired.
"Picked a rose off a bush. Apparently he received 'eternal damnation' for one so I should too. Apparently I'm a thief." Maurice explained bitterly.
Agathe couldn't help but place her head in her hand and pinch he bridge of her nose "Moron..." she whispered
"Excuse me?!"
Agathe looked up "Oh- not you sir. I just know of which Beast you speak. He's moronic."
Maurice quickly sat down across from her. "You've met the Beast as well?!" She nodded and he continued "So you know of the talking teacups too?- I'm not insane?!"
Agathe chuckled "No you're not- but I don't recommend telling others or you'll be labeled as such." She shook her head "So Belle's locked up you say? Any ideas of what he intends to do with her?"
"Hopefully he leaves her well enough alone- if he hurts her I don't know what I'll do..." he wasn't angry but there was an edge to his voice. "Belle promised me she'd get away as soon as she's able... but I've heard nothing yet."
The undercover enchantress leaned back in her seat "In all honesty, it'd be better if she stayed a little longer than preferred. She's quite tough; perhaps she'd teach him something."
"Are you mad? He's a beast! What could he possibly learn from a girl?!" The older man exclaimed.
"Humanity, patience, perhaps love if their lucky." She stated simply. "You know Beasts don't just appear out of the blue with magic living castles. It's more than likely he's a man under a curse or enchantment of sorts. It's probable he's meant to learn something from the experience."
The man's mouth shaped a small 'o' and he stared at the woman across from him in disbelief. "You believe a magic has hand in this? Magic? That isn't a real thing is it?"
Agathe rose a brow at him. "Surely you believe in magic if you believe in talking teacups, daughter-stealing beast, and snowstorms in June."
"Ah!" Maurice stood "I never told you of the snow! How do you know of the snow?!"
"I know of the Beast. It makes sense I'd know of his storm." She waved off simply.
The man stared her down a moment before retaking his seat. "I suppose that under the circumstances that yes, magic does make sense. But how are you so sure? Do you know of the witch who cast the curse too?"
Agathe chuckled "Yes, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you her name." She smiled to Maurice with a fondness. "But worry not. She has a thing for acts of kindness. If she's got a say in what happens at that castle, you're daughter will be just fine. Belle's always been a kind girl."

LeFou sighed to himself as he washed blood from his hands. He and Gaston had just skinned their kills from their latest hunt. Without Belle around Villeneuve, hunting was all Gaston wanted to do to pass the time.
He glanced towards his friend who stood before a mirror not far off, admiring his own reflection as he often did, and Lefou's mind wandered for not the first time since he'd unintentionally came out to Gaston, what exactly his friend had meant that night.
"Lets just say we're partners in crime. Sinners stick together"
The words haunted poor LeFou's dreams, flooded his thoughts, interrupted his memories, and it didn't matter in what way he thought of the words, nothing made sense.
Gaston had immediately shut down the idea of him sharing the interest in men that LeFou had. But in that situation what else could he have possibly meant? Nothing added up and LeFou was extremely frustrated.
Not  to mention Gaston hadn't tried to distance himself from LeFou in any way since either. As if he truly had no problem with the idea his best friend was a sodomite and held an interest in him. If fact it almost seemed as if Gaston was trying to get closer to him? He kept asking him questions as if trying to gain a better understanding, and when LeFou would provide an answer, Gaston's face would screw up as if he were trying much too hard to make pieces of a puzzle fit.
Thinking about it all gave LeFou a terrible headache.
Gaston's eyes caught LeFou's in the mirror and a smirk grew. "Admiring the view, old friend?" He teased before turning around to face him. He look a final glance at himself in the glass before taking the few steps closer to him companion. "I know I'm attractive, but c'mon LeFou, try not to drool."
LeFou blushed lightly and turned his head back towards the basin he scrubbed scrubbed his hands in. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're flirting's run rampant with Belle's absence." He mumbled, just audible enough for the other man to hear. "And would you speak a little lower. I'd rather not be hanged because you can't keep your voice down." His headache apparently soured his mood.
Gaston looked around as carefully as Gaston was able to. It was mid-afternoon and the townspeople for the most part were all either preparing dinner or hard at work at this time. It was unlikely someone would wander by them and overhear, but Gaston lowered his voice regardless. "I'm sorry LeFou, I was just trying to make light."
"More like make fun." LeFou grumbled.
"What- no... LeFou. I'm not trying to make fun of you." The man sighed, running a hand through his hair. He leaned forward over the basin, resting his palms on the edge, getting a little closer to eye level with his friend. "It's just... I know I'm dense but even I've noticed you've been on edge since you told me. I'm trying to tell you that you don't have to be."
"Gaston, in all honesty, there's no way I can ever ease up about this. People will have me killed if I'm found out!"
"Not if I have a say in it, and let's be honest, I probably will. I'm really important."
LeFou allowed himself a small smile at Gaston's statement. "Let's go start on dinner."
As the two turned around to head toward Gaston's house they both caught glimpse of Maurice leading Agathe towards his home. They looked to each other slightly confused.
"Have they always... is that a normal occurrence?" LeFou couldn't help but ask aloud.
A second later it seemed common recollection washed over the both of them. "Yes. Maurice always offers Agathe a mid-afternoon meal." Gaston affirmed with a solid nod.
LeFou nodded as well. "Yes, right. Of course. That was dumb to question. I remember now."
Another few seconds passed and neither of them could seem to remember what they'd just seen. "What were we just talking about?" LeFou asked.
Gaston had to think for a long minute, looking towards Maurice's house still. "Something about Maurice, maybe? No... that's not it? I'm not sure." He shrugged
LeFou's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh! I remember! Dinner! We were talking about dinner!"
"Right!" Gaston agreed. "I'll roast the boar, you take care of the vegetables."
"Sounds like a plan to me." The other agreed.

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