Put down like a dog

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Monday morning; Valary woke to the sounds of metal clinking against metal, leather sliding against leather. Matthew was getting dressed his attempts at keeping quiet not working as well as he’d hoped.

“Hun…what time is it?” Val asked sleepily.

Matt paused as he was about to pull his boots on. “Four…go back to sleep.”

“Why’re you up so early…?” she groaned as she wrapped her arms around her pillow. He just smiled as he reached over to place a hand on her shoulder. Then he stood and made for the door, his solid footsteps clear due to the tread of his boots.

Val frowned and sat up. “Matt?”

He stopped in the doorway and looked back at her. Watched as she ran a hand through her hair; wisps of it stood out from her head, the way it did every morning when she woke. Then she bunched the sheets around her waist as she glared at her husband.

“Why so early?”

Matthew sighed and said, “Have to get back to the barracks. See what’s what.” He leaned his forehead against the doorframe for a moment and shook it slightly. “Have to…keep up appearances.”

“How do you mean?” Val asked slowly, concern evident in her voice. Matt blinked at her as if he just realised what he’d said.

“What? Oh…uh…nothing important.” He flashed a smile at her. “Go back to sleep. I’ll see you...later.”

Val frowned more, brow furrowed, but eventually she nodded her head at him. It was too early for her to even try to think properly let alone question her husband on anything.

Matt sent one final smile her way, before he turned to leave the room the door clicking shut behind him.

* * * * * *

Standing in the main entrance of the barracks, Matthew took a moment to focus and steel his mind. A whole week away and then having the bombshell that was his demotion dropped on him had unsettled him to the extent that his normal ability to switch on had all but gone.

“Shads? Shads!”

He had to blink and drag his mind back to the present. Dan was in front of him, arms crossed and an expression akin to anxiety on his face.

Matt cleared his throat swallowing hard, several times. “Uh...hey.” For once he had nothing to say.

He didn't really want to speak to anyone, just wanted to get in there and do whatever duty called him to do. Not that he knew what that would be. He was completely in the dark, but he guessed he’d find out soon enough, or perhaps the man standing before him would enlighten him.

Dan grimaced, “I got sent to meet you. You need to move your gear from your old locker to the one next to mine.”

Matthew sighed as he ran the palm of his hand over his skull. Then he removed his Aviator's and hooked them at his neck.

“And so, it begins,” he mumbled as he strode passed the smaller male toward the locker area.

Dan made a non-committal grunt and followed Matt down the corridor. A couple of cadets walked by them; they paused in their conversation and averted their eyes as they did so. Matt's brow furrowed but he said nothing until they'd turned the corner.


“Uhuh?” Dan leaned against the wall as Matt came to a halt in front of his locker.

“What've they been told?” he asked in a low voice while he opened the door and gazed in at the items inside.

Dan shook his head as he answered, “Not much. Just that you…well the General was kinda vague.” He frowned. “And JB wasn’t saying much either.”

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