What a Life

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Jason jogged down the hallway, strapping on his weapon belt, yelling out orders as he went. The boys were scrambling to get their gear on. Dan, one of the few older foot soldiers still clinging to the comfort zone of the younger corps, poked his head from one of the dorms as Jason stalked passed.

“Hey, JB? What’s going on?”

Jason spun on his heel about to reprimand whatever rookie was daring to use his nickname when he recognised the stocky form in the doorway.


“Yeah, that’s me, sir. What’s going on?”

Jason scowled. “Riot at Astor.”

“Shit, any idea who started it?”

“Who do you think?” the 2IC snorted.

“Seward,” Dan murmured, scratching at the stubble on his jaw.

Jason’s lip curled. “Bingo.” He paused, shifting his belt into a more comfortable position. Then he glanced at the other man and said, “Do me a favour.”

“Of course, sir.” The shorter male hitched up his pants, stomping his combat boots against the floor. Then he cracked his knuckles, flexing his biceps as well.

“Call T-One, we need him back here.”

“Isn’t it his day off, though?” Dan grimaced; he didn’t like the thought of interrupting Shadows in his downtime. The man had a temper, and had no qualms about taking it out on the men in the corp. Dan had seen it happen on several occasions and it hadn’t been pretty.

Jason glared at him. “He’s due back this afternoon. Call him. He’s the only one Seward will listen to.”

Dan sighed, nodding. He wasn’t one to argue with his superiors. Saluting, he turned and headed for the common room where the only phone that called out of the barracks was to be found. Jason didn’t bother to watch him go, just kept on his way to the exit, snapping at several of his men as he did.

“Get your asses moving! We haven’t got all day!”

They scrambled to obey, sensing the urgency in their leader’s voice. Trouble at the Astor was always top priority; and even if the corps had other plans for the day, they had to drop everything to answer a call from New Huntington’s Maximum Security facility. When it was a riot it was even more important that they get there ASAP. People had ended up deceased on previous occasions; hence it was number one on the Creed’s list to prevent any unnecessary deaths.

Jason made the entrance just as Dan reappeared by his side his own firearm now strapped in place, a black beret perched on his head. The other men were rushing passed, some of them still tugging on boots and belts, others scrupulously checking their weapons as they headed out of the building.

“Sir.” Dan spoke up getting his superior’s attention. “I couldn’t get a hold of him. You might have to call his personal number.”

Jason scowled viciously, brow furrowing. “Shit. There’s no time...we have to go.” He glanced sideways at the shorter male. “Stay here. Try him again. When you catch him...come straight over. Let me know.”

Dan gave a tight nod. “Yes sir.”

Jason turned on his heel and stalked out of the building, the rest of the men streaming out to the vehicle bays at the front of the barracks.

* * * * *

Matthew was sitting on the kitchen bench, Val leaning back between his legs, the both of them sharing a bottle of water. Brian was at the sink filling more bottles of whiskey, and Zacky and Jimmy were at the table playing chess. Michelle had already left, because she had to work.

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