The ending is the beginning

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A month later…

“Afternoon, Commander, I see you’re still hard at it.”

Jason turned away from where he was talking tactics with his second-in-command and blinked in surprise when he recognised his superior officer standing in the doorway.

“General, we haven’t located Shadows, yet. I thought you weren’t returning until this was over?”

Eskino smiled grimly at the T-One. “You will find him, soon enough. But, I believe it’s high time I returned to oversee progress.” He tilted his head. “As it is, you’ve been running hot for weeks. You need time off. Go to Long Beach.” He held out an envelope. “I have an old friend there I want you to meet.”

Jason lifted an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Yes. Major Thomas Ilejay.”

The commander blinked. “Ilejay…? The name doesn’t ring a bell, sir.”

“No. It wouldn’t. He was never part of the Creed.” The general smiled an almost wistful expression. “We trained together as boys. You will like him. You can learn a lot from him.”

Jason nodded, “Alright, sir.”

He wasn’t going to dismiss Eskino’s suggestion of a break. He really did need one, and perhaps it would then allow him to come back and look at the problem of Shadows and his friends through refreshed eyes. And perhaps meeting this Major Ilejay person would be interesting as well. If only because it was rare for the General to throw out personal comments on his life or people that he knew.

That in itself was reason enough to go.

“I will finish up today and head for Long Beach tomorrow, sir.”

Eskino nodded then acknowledged Jason’s 2IC before walking out again.

Jason stood there for a moment, taking stock of what just happened then he returned to his discussion with the other soldier.

* * * * *

The Major’s eyes narrowed as his phone rang. His son, who sat at his drum kit, glanced up, a questioning look in his eyes. Thom shook his head as he answered.

“Ilejay speaking.” His eyebrows shot up. “Pete? I thought you said you would never call me again. Oh…things have changed? Excuse me? You did what?” He started to pace as he listened. Then he spoke again, tone warmer. “Of course, I’ll entertain him until he figures out what to do…”

His lip curling he set himself against the edge of the wall closer to Arin. “Of course he will. You think that won’t be the case? Hah, you’re willing to send your man into the fire?” He laughed a sad sound. “Well, as long as you know what you’re doing. And, yes…he is aware of the truth.” Thom nodded slightly, listening for a moment longer before ending the call.

Arin tilted his head. “Dad?”

The Major just smirked, shifting his weight to get more comfortable. “Nothing to worry about. Show me what you’ve been working on.”

* * * * * *

Zacky stood on top of the mound, gazing out across the vast paddock that went as far as the eye could see. The fact that this place was even here, right on the outskirts of Long Beach, boggled the mind. He thought that the area would have been long since populated. Then again when the land was owned by one of the more powerful figures in the city, it stood to reason that it would be left alone. If that person had something else in mind for it.

The mechanic looked over his shoulder at his friend who was looking grim as death. Which was entirely appropriate, was it not.

“Shads…you couldn’t have done anything to save him.”

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