m i s s

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---------Not a poem---------

"-I can't find her, she's lost." I heard my friend say,

"Find who?" I asked.

"My bestie, duh." She replied.

"Why do you need to find her?" I inquired.

"Oh, I left to go to the gymnasium and when I came back she was not there,  she will miss her bus." She said.

"Ayy, you are so sweet, when my best friends went missing I didn't even go back to find them," I say with a smile.

One of my other friends turns towards me and says,

"I interpret two meanings of what you said, first, that you lost one of your friends and didn't make a move to find them, or that your friends left you and you don't want them or you didn't make any move to have them back in your life, resulting in you being a friendless creature." She ends it with a smile.

"The second one girl, the second one," I say as we near our school buses and then separate our ways.


this event took place in my life and I felt that I should post this, for those people who lost their friends and go into depression, it is not necessary for you to run behind them, i know that it is hard to do that, but if they don't value you, then you don't need them, I know it is not easy to say to just leave your friends or ignore the emotions you feel when they leave you, it's hard and I've been through it, try looking for things that make you feel alive and help you cope up with it and writing is one of the ways I cope up with the probelms I face.

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