Chapter 1: The Dark Past

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  Memories are either a curse or a blessing. Mistakes, coming to haunt you for the rest of your life. Disappointed faces seem to linger the longest in my mind. The names Mavis Wise...and I have lived in the darkness searching for a way out. Being sheltered by a demented man, teaching me in his wicked ways. We called him death. And by we, I mean everyone. When I was first introduced to this world I was an orphan with no family, no home. He took me under his wing and trained me in the arts of combat and trickery. I would go into town pickpocketing every stranger who wasn't careful with their wallets. Taught me how to sword fight, how to protect myself, to then be put into the raiding operation once I was old enough. I was small, and I was quick. A little child that could come off as sweet and innocent, then turn to a monster and kill anyone in sight with just one flick of a switch. I was consumed by darkness, by hatred of my parents leaving me to rot in the forest. He twisted my head and made me work for him. I was the devil's child.

I wore a hooded coat and walked down the beaten path that ran through the town. The townsfolk keeping a distance from me as I walked by. Keeping my head low and my eyes straight I saw a man in armor walk towards me not seeming afraid. I look at him strangely, wondering how he wasn't keeping a large distance of me and himself as the rest of the citizens. 'He mustn't be from here then. This will be a fun hunt today' I think to myself and smirk. I drop my hood behind my shoulders and let my short hair flow in the wind as I walk toward him with a devilish smile. I feel my dagger on my belt behind my back in its holster and I grab the handle. I get closer and a wave of energy passes over me as he passes by. I hesitate and let go of the daggers handle and swirl around to look at him as he continues to walk. 'Who is he?' I ponder. 'That kind of energy...I-I've only seen by my master. But this....this felt warm and strong. I must report back.' I think to myself and pull my hood back over and sprint along the path back to the mansion. Death's mansion was practically surrounded by the dark forest. Placed directly in the middle of a clearing only accessed with the knowledge of the forest. The dark forest was haunted and was crawling with monsters that could rip your head off and swallow it with one gulp. I sprint into the maze of branches and trees, ducking and weaving past them following the map inside my head that I followed ever so diligently. I made it to the clearing as the mansion loomed over the excess land before it reached the trees that surrounded the house.

I sprinted to the door avoiding the traps we had set for unwanted visitors and swung the door open and announced myself to the whole house. "I'M HOOOOOOME!" I shouted with a mischievous grin. I heard footsteps come down the spiral staircase and spotted my father which I had to call master for he wouldn't call me daughter, but his prized pet. "Welcome home Mavis. What news do you bring this time?" He booms out into the parlor. I bow and look up at him. "I have interesting news master. When I was in town I came across a man in white armor and a powerful aura that sent shivers down my spine. I fear he might be here to kill you, master." I said and stood back up straight as he came closer to inspect me. He put his hand to my chin and lifted it up tilting my head from side to side. He walked to my right removing his hand from my chin to my shoulder lifting my cloak off my shoulder then picks up my arm and makes me hold it there and continues trailing his finger across my back and up my neck to my short locks and grabs a handful and pulls it back. "Did you catch a name pet?" He says huskily in my left ear waiting for an answer. My voice cracks as I say no and close my eyes tightly awaiting my punishment. He lets go of my hair and swiftly turns me to face him holding my upper arms tightly, pushing my arms up as I look up at him with worry. "YOU GIVE ME THIS NEWS AND YOU DIDN'T CATCH A NAME?!!!" He shouts in my face as the wind of his breath push back my bangs out of my face and I close my eyes scrunching my neck at the fear of his voice. "I-I'm sorry master....H-He walked past me quickly I couldn't ask," I said staggering over my words trying not to anger him even more. He clenched Imy arms tighter and I winced looking at him. "SINCE WHEN ARE YOU SLOWER THAN THE ENEMY?" He yells even louder and I close my eyes again. "I-I wasn't master, I could sense if I confronted him I would have been killed," I say shyly with my eyes still closed. He looks at me with fierce eyes then softens his grip. "Fine...if you say so. Tomorrow, you'll go out there and find out what his name is got it?" He says and lets go of me and points to the door and I look up at him and nod. "Yes, master," I reply following his orders. He stomps off to his office and I relax catching my breath again.

I wait for tomorrow in my room and I sit on my bed holding a box. I open it and look inside. It had things of the past when I was little and the note my parents left in my hand to give to my caretaker. Death ripped it to shreds and I took the liberty to tape it back together. I read it,

"Dear Mavis's Caretaker, were so sorry for the inconvenience of leaving this poor child in your hands. She was just not the right child for us. When she was first born she did very strange things that we didn't think would be good for the family. I hope you'll take good care of her. Again sorry for the inconvenience but thank you. ~ The Wise Family.

My eyes watered and a tear landed on the paper and soaked into it. I wiped my face when I heard death ring the bedtime bell. I was too old for that bell but he still rang it anyway. I tucked the letter back into the box and laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling. 'Tomorrow is a new day. Sleep is better than any hell I could be living in.' I think and slowly drift off to sleep.  

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