Just hanging

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I was hanging with Kirshnik yes I have feeling for him I mean that dick is amazing.

"What it do?" Qua asked us.

"Ya'll back together?" Jose Guapo asked us.

"Naw we just cool" Take said.

"Riiigggt" Lingo laughed.

They left.

"You good?" he asked.


Heaven and I was on the four wheeler. 

"Go niece" I said.

Heaven stopped. and I saw Phew and Kadi on the four wheeler. They gone fuck and she gonna be crawling back to him. She hugging up on him and all.

"Stop Kirshnik" she said all scared.

"You scared now?" he asked her.

"They so cute" Heaven said.


Kadi and I were hanging out like old friends.

"You good?" she asked.

"Yea I should be asking you that"

"I'm fine thanks for asking" she told me.

"You not I can tell you miss your mom and you want answers" I said.

"I do but I don't want to bother you with me problems"

"Oh you not"

"I miss her I've been calling grandma and she loves me I remember seeing her at my graduations and all. I thought she was someone's family friend or something like that" she told me.

(Takeoff's dream)

We ended up taking shots at a club and she was drunk. I put her in the car and was taking selfies. I got to admit she look so sexy.

"I see staring Nik" she said.

"Can't help it" I laughed.

"You miss massaging my my thighs because you was staring at them earlier?" she asked.

"Don't make my hard!" I said.

We was in her house kissing her inner thighs causing her to moan.

"Aww awww" she moaned.

"Say my name!" I said.

"Kirshnik" she moaned.

(The end)

I woke up hard as hell and Kadi was sleep neck to me and I laid back down then she laid on my chest like old times. I kissed her on forehead and kiss on the cheek.


Kirshnik and I were hanging out like old buddies I went with Cristine to visit's Bailey's grave.

"So you and Takeoff are back together?" she asked.

"No we just hang around a lot and cuddled last night" I said.

"Wait a minute that is a sign of getting back together" 

"I know he is everything I want and need"

"Tell him that!"


Kadi song has hit number 1 and we went out to celebrate she was holding my hand and walking down Hollywood we had dinner. We drove up to a cliff.

"So beautiful" she said.

"I know this sight"

"I meant my song"

"You got jokes"

"It's weird that exes hang" she said.

"Not really"

I kissed her on the cheek.

"For real?" she asked.

She started kissing my neck I stopped her.

"Kadienne" I pushed back and took her panties off.

She bit her lip that was so sexy.

"I'll take it from here" I said.

We ended up having sex on the hood of her car.

"I love you bae" she moaned.

"Love you too" I said.

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