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when i awaken, i see that i'm laying on a flower-patterned couch, a crimson cushion behind my head. the walls are thin, and a window is roughly four feet away from the couch. a small kitchen area is to my left - wait, am i in a caravan? a trailer? i sit up, but i quickly feel a throbbing sensation in my head. i hold it in agony, looking out of the window. trees sway in the distance, and cold wind rattles through the wall. my hands are bandaged, and when i look down to check my torso, i see a small ball of fur wrapped up over my stomach.

i manage to conjour a little smile as it moves around. after a few seconds, i realise, this little ball of fluff is a kitten. i start to stroke its tortoishell fur, and it starts to purr, blinking itself awake.

"his name is james," a warm voice says. jughead steps out of the kitchen area, holding two mugs of coffee.


he hands me a cup, and i'm so exhausted that i down half of it. he kneels down beside the sofa, kissing james on the head. the tiny feline looks up at me softly, slowly blinking; his eyes are odd, one sea blue with tints of grey, and the other hazel green. it's extremely fascinating.

james lets out a content mew as jughead tickles behind his ears. "how did you afford a kitten?" i question, gently patting the cat's back.

"oh, i didn't buy him," jughead chorused, "this little guy got tangled in a thorn bush, and my dad looked out the window to see a hot mess of orange and brown fur squirming about. he opened the door and james yowled for help, poor boy."

"so FP let you keep him?"

"yeah, we had to take him to the vets and neuter him though. when he came strutting back in the trailer, he gave my dad the look. his face said 'give me back my balls you bastard.' " jughead laughs, gazing up at me.

i finish my coffee, hopping up from the couch. "we better start getting ready for school."

jughead stands up with me, his eyes wandering around my bare torso and chest. "o-oh, uh, yeah. take it easy though, you fainted yesterday."

"wait, i fainted? i remember having a fight with reggie, but... i really don't remember passing out."

"yeah, betty's mom came over and practically dragged reggie off of you, and then she had to call an ambulance because you weren't breathing," jughead recalls, biting his lip. "don't ever do that again, arch. you really scared me, and you didn't have to fight reggie."

i sigh. "look, i'm sorry, juggy. but what reggie said to you was not okay, and i had to stick up for you." i pat his shoulder comfortingly. "i know mr weatherbee is gonna fry my ass."

jughead chuckles. "yup, you'll be going straight to the principal's office and getting screamed at," he hesitates. "but i'll be outside, drinking my teacup..."

"listening to the drama, as always," i grin.

jughead stands up from his seat on the sofa, walking around to the kitchen and putting his mug in the sink. "come on, we better start getting ready."

jughead and i walk to school together, already approaching the gates. it had taken us roughly thirty minutes, but it was worth it.

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