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today, my mom is visiting from chicago. it's not that far from where we live, but she'll still have to take a flight. i'm very excited to see her - but a part of me is dreading it. what if she and my dad get into some arguments? what if they make this visit the worst thing that's ever happened? what if they start fighting over me?

the questions are endless. she doesn't iknow about jughead and i, which makes a streak of panic flash through my whole body. she knows about him being transgender, she knows about his hormones and top surgery. last time she saw him it was only brief, it was christmas eve eve (december 23rd), and they awkwardly exchanged a handshake. that was it. my dad had went to FP's for the whole day to let me spend time with her, and to avoid arguments. but i have no idea how they're going to avoid them now. it was extremely unexpected, and she said she's bringing a 'special visitor.'

i do love my mom. and she knows that i'm bisexual, which she was skeptical at first, you know, the classic 'why can't you just pick one?' but she soon got over it. she still loves me for who i am, even if that means marrying a boy or a girl: because at the end of the day, it's none of her business.

it's now april, so it's in the middle of spring time. vegas is still on his medication, unfortunately. the vets say that we might have to perform surgery on his infected throat - it's getting to the point where we have to slip his medication into his food. the last time my dad tried to force it down his throat, his hand got bitten. it was not pretty.

it's in the middle of the afternoon, just after lunchtime. the thought of my mom coming back nearly makes my food come back up.

a hand rests on my shoulder. "arch? you alright?"

i look up into my dad's warm eyes. "yeah, i'm just worried. i feel like when mom comes you guys are just gonna argue the whole time."

he frowns. "don't think about that, son... besides, if things get a little heated i can always go to FP's house."

"okay," i sigh back.

a rhythmic knock comes from the front door. my ears prick and my heart pounds. she's at the door. i sprint from the living room and into the hall.

i open the door, a grin on my face. "hey ma!"

"hello archie," she replies happily.

i notice her hover at the doorstep. she looks incredibly nervous about something. i furrow my brows. "mom, is everything okay?"

she looks to the side nervously. "yes. i want you to meet someone..." the red headed woman moves to the side, revealing a little boy. "this is charlie."

i gasp: charlie looks exactly like me but with brown hair. he's only around 7 or 8 years old. he has a freckle on his lower cheek, in the exact same place i have one. his eyebrows are less bushier than mine, and his little cheeks are littered with freckles - just like mine when i was his age.

"i have a brother?"

fred walks to the door, coffee mug in hand. "what's going on—"

and before i can answer his question, i watch as his mouth gapes, his eyes as wide as an owl's. he drops his cup in shock, and he falls to the ground.

the other boys ⇨ jarchieWhere stories live. Discover now