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betty and i lay on her bed, watching clueless. it's a movie masterpiece, honestly - and young paul rudd is so sexy in it. it's around 4pm, the sun slowly breaking out of the grey clouds. the sun shines down on betty and i, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere. i wish i could stay here forever.

all of a sudden, betty's phone starts to ring. i look over, the name at the top of the screen says 'veronica.'

she picks it up and answers. "hey v, what's up?"

"hey betty. are you alone?" veronica says, worry in her voice.

betty frowns and looks at me. "yes."

it takes everything in me not to laugh.

"i have to tell you something," veronica pauses, and takes a deep breath, "i think i might be bisexual."

betty and i gasp. "really?"

"yeah... that's why i was so moody with archie, because he had the courage to admit it to you guys. i was jealous of him..." veronica admits regretfully.

"aw, v! what brought this on?" betty questions, putting the phone on loudspeaker. we both listen carefully.

"i guess it was you," veronica blurts, "you and cheryl and valerie and josie - you guys are all just so beautiful."

betty goes bright red. "oh my god really? i'm pretty to you?"

veronica laughs. "of course, you're pretty to anyone. jughead and archie think you're pretty, i bet lots of boys and girls do."

betty beams, and smiles widely. "aw, ronnie... i'm gonna cry! that's so sweet."

"i guess it was just your aura, you get what i mean? like, you're kind and sweet, and you always look out for people. you're just so innocent it makes me melt," veronica says shyly.

betty puts her on mute for a second. "i can't believe this! this girl could like me!" she lifts off the mute button. "veronica lodge! are you saying you have a crush on me?"

"um, yeah, i guess i am," veronica mumbles. "those notes in your locker were from me."

betty jumps up in surprise, and i gasp even louder than before. "no way!"

"yeah... i just didn't know how to tell you."

"awww, v! i um... i like you too," betty confesses.

veronica screams happily on the phone, almost deafening me. what is it with lesbians nowadays?

"okay! oh my god, okay. we'll have a talk about it tomorrow, properly," veronica says excitedly.

"alright. see you tomorrow, ronnie," betty says, ending the call.

"yes, beronica!" i yell.

i laugh until i can't breathe, and betty hits me playfully over and over again, being careful with my battered and bruised body.

"elizabeth! what is going on up there?" alice demands from downstairs.

"nothing mom! just beating up jughead!" betty says back, not taking her eyes off me.

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