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throughout the day i avoid cheryl. i hope she doesn't know anything about the contract. yes, her father is very secretive, but giving a verified con artist, drug dealer and alcoholic $40,000? something seems off...

i look up, the clicking of louboutin heels echoing through the school corridor. it's veronica, her aura enticing every boy around her; apart from me and my gay ass. she approaches me politely.

"hey, juggy? i need to talk to you for a second," veronica murmurs.

i close my locker. "sure, what is it?"

she gives a deep sigh, preparing her words with ease. "so, i was talking to archie yesterday on the phone, and something about him is just making me want more, you know?"

i chuckle nervously. "oh yeah?"

"he seems so down to earth and genuine, and he's just so unlike all the guys i dated in new york. i know i've only known you guys for a few weeks, but i can't help myself..." veronica gestures to put my ear closer to her mouth. "i think i have a crush on archie."

my heart sinks. "oh.. i mean, uh, that's great, v. you guys would be, um, cute together."

"ugh, i know right?" veronica giggles, flicking her hair back. "i just can't help myself. i think he's so hot."

me too. "yeah, i totally get where you're coming from," i say shakily, my hands turning clammy. why do i feel jealous? i shouldn't feel jealous. she's one of my best friends, i shouldn't be jealous of her. i don't even like him, right? i don't even—

"jughead? you okay?" veronica says, waving her manicured hands in front of my face.

i shake my head. "oh, yeah, sorry about that. i just zoned out for a second."

the latina laughs. "it's alright. i need to find betty, tell her the good news. see ya." blowing a kiss in my direction, i wave her off.

so, jughead, you stupid fucking bitch, do you want to sort out your brain right now? HELLO, is anyone fucking home? what the hell was that. what the FUCK was that.

i bang my head against the locker, whispering curses to myself. i see archie approaching me from down the hall, jason, reggie and chuck by his side.

"archie!" i shout.

the ginger boy turns around, a smile lighting up his face. "jughead! hey," he glances at his friends, who are looking at me like i have two heads. "i'll catch up with you guys later."

"whatever," reggie mumbles, chuck and jason flanking him as they walked down the hall.

archie's eyes flicker with happiness, like two small flames dancing in the wind. "so what'd you call me over for?"

i grab his hand, leading him down the crowded corridor, littered with teenagers. "follow me."


jughead grabs my hand, bustling through the hallway. we get to the janitor's closet, quickly unlocking the door and piling in.

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