Chapter 1

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Pennywise slouched uncharacteristically quiet as his stomach growled loudly. He was beginning to get hungry as he sat silently by the well in the house of 29 Neibolt street.

Georgie, who was lying on Pennywise's legs felt his friends vibrations and looked up at him sadly, quietly stroking Pennywise's arms hoping to comfort his massive friend.

"Penny?" Georgie whispered softly.

Pennywise hummed as a form of response as he continued to stare blankly at the floor.

"Are you getting hungry again?" Georgie asked, slightly moving off of Pennywise's lap to look at him properly.

Pennywise frowned sadly and twisted his head to look down at Georgie, who was staring at him worriedly and a tad bit fearfully.

"D-don't be afraid Georgie.. I'm ok. Just a bit peckish is all." Pennywise smiled, trying to lighten up the mood.

Georgie smiled a little at his friend's efforts to try and make him feel better but Georgie could tell when Pennywise was lying. He could sense his friends uncomfortableness just by looking at his tense posture.

"You're lying.." Georgie said quietly.

Pennywise flinched a little at his friend's small but true words. He was becoming a little unstable as he felt as if he was almost at his breaking point. He hadn't had a decent meal for a couple of weeks and he was starving..

Pennywise cocked his head towards Georgie again thoughtfully and began to salvate. As much as he couldn't bear the thought of hurting his little friend, especially when Georgie was his first friend. He couldn't help but picture himself sinking his teeth into the little boy's arm, tearing it off as he savoured the taste of fear mixed with blood. It would be so easy.. He could make it quick and Georgie wouldn't even be able to feel a thing. But.. he couldn't.. Not Georgie. Never, ever Georgie.

Pennywise growled lowly as he rubbed his eyes together frustrated. He was losing his cool and he could sense Georgie's anxiety peek a little. He had to find someone to eat now..

Georgie leaned against Pennywise's side worriedly as he continued to slowly stroke up and down Pennywise's arm. He could feel Pennywise shake a little, but he wasn't certain why? It wasn't cold outside and the house was at a relatively cozy temperature so.. Maybe he was sick? No, Pennywise can't get sick.

Georgie's anxiety grew a little as he tried to think of a way to make Pennywise feel better. He felt sad for his friend and wanted to help but he knew what he needed and he could never participate in someone else's demise just so he wouldn't be on Pennywise's menu. The thought sickened Georgie and he didn't want to imagine how difficult it was for Pennywise to resist.. He must be a huge burden on his friends shoulders.

"I'm sorry.." Pennywise whispered.

Georgie jumped a little as he hadn't expected Pennywise to speak.

"What? Why? You haven't done anything." Georgie said confused.

Pennywise chuckled softly and turned to face Georgie, opening his arms for him to climb into.

Georgie frowned slightly at his friend's sudden change of demeanor but obliged to his request as Georgie climbed into Pennywise's lap and hugged his waist tightly.

Pennywise smiled sadly as he folded his arms around Georgie's body and squeezed affectionately as he rested his pale head on Georgie's.

"I'm sorry Georgie. I'm so, so, sorry.." Pennywise whispered repeatedly.

Georgie squeezed his friend tighter as he cooed soft words into Pennywise's ear, effectively stroking his pointy orange hair.

Pennywise slowly lifted Georgie up from his lap and cradled him in his arms like a mother would with child and buried his face in Georgies neck. He felt so ashamed and broken at what he was about to do and he prayed to whatever God that was watching to forgive him for his crimes as he quickly tore open Georgie's neck with his razor sharp teeth.

Georgie eyes grew into saucers as he felt warm liquid trickle down his throat and tried to scream or shout for help, but all that left Georgies lips were strangled cries of despair as his eyes drooped sleepily.

"Shh shhh.. It's ok, it's ok, it's ok... shhh." Pennywise whispered into Georgies ear, tears streaming down his face as he brought Georgie closer to his chest. "Shh shhh..."

Soon Pennywise felt the boy's body go limp as he squeezed his eyes shut and cried.

He cried and cried until his tears became dry and layed Georgie down beneath him, shamefully cutting into his flesh and licking the bones clean.

After Pennywise had finished he stepped away from the remains of Georgie's body and let out an inhuman roar, clawing at his hair and falling to his knees on the now soaked floorboards.

Pennywise then leaned down and picked up Georgie's half eaten corpse gently and pulled it up against his chest one last time before teleporting into his lair where he said goodbye to his best friend...


Hope you guys enjoyed this little story, this was probably the saddest thing I've ever wrote and I'm sorry if ur upset with the result. Its wasn't going to be be but it just came out like that haha. Anyway please give this story a favorite and go check out my other story "Floating away" (I promise it's not sad haha) Thanks bros! I love you!

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