Hurt, Loss and...Fangs? Part 5

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The days seemed to slow into an eternity as Georgie was confined to his old bedroom. The losers, Bill, Richie and Beverly came in often to check on the boy as Georgie would occasionally try to escape through the window, which they eventually locked and bombarded. They also came in with food and drinks, hoping Georgie would accept and forget about his short life in the sewers. But unfortunately everyday that they shared different meals with him they'd find that the plate would either be on the side, untouched, or on the floor smashed to pieces. Georgie refused to eat the 'human' food as he now called it and often threatened one of the loser's lives whenever they tried to feed him forcefully, so they let him be.

Georgie curled up into a small ball on the bed as he thought about Pennywise. The last that he had heard from him was about three days ago now, and Georgie didn't want to admit it but he was beginning to fear that Pennywise had forgotten him. He couldn't even sense his presence anymore..

"Papa where are you?" Georgie cried as he squeezed his eyes shut and hid his face in his knees.

Suddenly there was a small knock on the door and Georgie quickly tensed up and wiped his tears, growling slightly as he sensed Billy's presence. The door knocked again, slower this time and when Georgie didn't answer the handle twisted hesitantly and the door creaked open, revealing Billy holding a large tray full of food and and an orange drink.

"Hey G-Georgie, how a-are you f-f-feeling?" Billy asked casually as he walked in and placed the food on the bedside table. "S-sleep well?"

Georgie growled lowly and moved away from Bill, who was standing silently by Georgie's bed smiling awkwardly.

"I b-brought in y-your favorite." Billy smiled kindly. "F-fried egg on t-toast with a b-blueberry m-m-muffin."

Georgie stared at Billy emotionlessly as he sighed and looked at the ground tiredly. He's been trying to get Georgie back to his old self for at least three days now, and Billy was beginning to lose all hope in bringing him back. He hasn't even slept a wink because he was so worried about Georgie's sanity and perception, he slightly even considered sending him to the looney house. Of course he immediately regretted his own thoughts and threw them out as soon as they came but Billy was so frightened for Georgie. He honestly doesn't know what to do..


Suddenly Billy's face lit up excitedly and crouched down below Georgie, grasping his hands tightly and began to tear up with joy.

"When w-what Georgie?" Billy asked quickly. "Are y-you trying to t-talk to m-me?"

Georgie nodded slowly and retracted his hands away from Billy, who felt a little sad but was too excited to hear Georgie's sweet voice again.

"When.. Did I go missing?" Georgie asked.

Billy frowned slightly and leaned back from the bed, his voice suddenly going hoarse and dry as he swallowed.

"I-it was all m-my fault.." Billy whispered. "I let you g-go out t-there in t-the r-rain, and I-I was too c-careless to t-try and come w-with you.. I'm so s-sorry Guh-Georgie..."

"I don't care about that." Georgie replied flatly, bringing Billy's attention back to him curiously.

"I just want to go home.. Why did you take me away?" Georgie breathed quietly as tears scathed his eyes.

Billy stared in complete shock as Georgie began to cry in his shoulders, carefully Billy reached his arm over and tugged lightly on Georgie's sweater bringing him closer to his chest as he hugged him.

Georgie complied hesitantly as Billy began to cry softly in his shirt. He almost gagged at the smell of his sadness and wanted to kill him right now, if it wasn't for his longing of home he would.


Pennywise chuckled and continued to salvage the food he had brought in from yesterday and picked at the flesh, squishing it curiously. Georgie will be most pleased when he gets home to find a nice fresh pile of food. Pennywise thought happily. Speaking of .. how many days has it been now since he last saw him?

Suddenly Pennywise's eyes widened as his realization overcame him, causing him to growl as he tossed the stupid corpse aside. Rubbing his temples agitatedly.

"I'm so stupid!" Pennywise shouted. "Georgie, Georgie, Georgie ... My poor, sweet boy."

Pennywise sighed and looked over at the pile of bodies, glaring at them.

"I should not have wasted my time on such miniscule things.." Pennywise growled. "I'll get you back Georgie. Don't worry.. Papa's coming. "

"You what !?" Richie exclaimed as Billy tried to shush him.

"I h-hugged Georgie. Why a-are you ye-yelling?"

"Uhh I don't know? Maybe because he's a crazy, feral child who almost took my hand in the other day !? "Richie shouted as he threw his arms in the air.

"Shut up Richie!" Eddie said.

"So what does this mean?" Beverly asked. "Is he better?"

"I- I'm not sure-but I think he's f-finally starting to c-come back." Billy smiled hopefully as his eyes began to water.

Eddie patted Billy's back gently as the losers smiled and breathed out in a sigh of relief, coming together in a small circle as they hugged. A short but needed one.

"Okay! Ok, enough with the sentimental bullcrap. We should go check on Georgie. "Richie chucked.

Surprisingly the other losers agreed as Billy wiped away his tears before they could fall and drip down his face.

"Let's go in slowly though." Mike spoke. "We do not want to overwhelm him."

Ben, Eddie, Richie, Stanley and Mike nodded slowly as they made their way up the stairs, leaving Beverly and Billy alone as they watched them leave.

Beverly frowned slightly and glanced over at Bill who was staring up at the floorboards above them, twiddling his fingers nervously; trying to listen out for Georgie's voice.

"Bill?" Beverly Beckoned. "Are you ok?"

Billy sighed softly and slowly looked away from the ceiling, smiling slightly as he turned his attention to Beverly. Rubbing his elbow awkwardly.

"Yeah I'm f-fine," Bill said. "Just thinking."

Beverly furrowed her brows softly as she quickly walked over to Billy, giving his hand a tight squeeze, smiling encouragingly as he took a breath.

"Let's go say 'hi' ok?" Beverly whispered.

Billy nodded and swallowed as his head began to slowly fall towards Beverly who, began to just as slowly lean into Billy. Just few inches away from each other before their faces met and-


"Oh no!"


Back at it again with another chapter yay!! I am SO sorry for the long wait and I apologize if I frightened anybody when I said I was done. (I genuinely thought i was) But I have found inspiration again and if you have been waiting around for me well then.. you are... THE BEST!!!!


I am so speechless right now I swear to god... I love you all!! 

Next chapter will hopefully not be a long wait but I am open to suggestions! Again thank you so much and I'll see you soon! Cheers! :)))

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