🎼 song of new friends 🔷🔹

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💙x♡Reader x mugs

Mugs P. O. V
I don't remember much after the finger blast incident. All I know I am the hospital and I think alone too. Where Cuphead? I hope see me or at least leave me a get well card. I look around and I see a curtain but I can't just get up after a bad accident and I hurt myself. The I heard sing lovey of a girl

I want to sing with her but she stop then I sing the song again and I heard that angelic voice with me. Then I got an paper airplane .

Hey it good that you're awake now your out 1 2/7 of weeks. I am a bit shy I haven't seen your brother not after the incident we been in but I like to your friend and give each other company.

~♡~ (your name)

I was a week and two days where's is Cuphead? I hope he would visit me.
A other paper airplane?

We should get some rest we have big day tomorrow for surgery. don't worry that much it give us six or eight small cuts if your first time it my first time too. Then I can help you brother.
Have a other good rest I didn't got your name.

"Oh! My bad my name is mugman but some just call me mugs for short. "

" well I guess that's makes sense. ... Say I didn't understand why you four in a umm... a bit of a "fit"."

"Oh well you see I not really sure if you want to believe it but...

"oh my I thought it just legend! "
"No it every true I just cannot believe it that brother could rope in this. "

"Mugs don't put yourself like that I every sure your brother care and love you otherwise he wouldn't dich you or you didn't woke up at the hospital."

"I guess your right I am lucky to get to meet you .
"I guess you are right too mugs. "

Part 1Adventurous BntqftimX Reader (fem)Where stories live. Discover now