Just a simple maiden visiting the Walted town for a place to stay. Until you came a cross on a parade. Made two new friends after that even though a accident happen your life changed after joining an adventure.
I woke up at seven I left my gift and letter to him even I did know he took a peek but not I made for him and I have an extra gift in there too. I went to Starbucks which was in the hospital I didn't think I would now I have to leave the hospital. I got my coffee and a sweet to and check on the brothers it be good.
Bendy pov
I can't believe it but i can't starve my brother or myself and the closest place to eat was a cafe that in the hospital I put cup head in. I got some coffees and black berry muffins for me and Boris and before I could take a bite .........
Boris pov
After bendy give me some black berry muffins and coffee as I look away from the book I was reading to thank him and ......Oh no I know that lovey dovey flirting smirking face and then he
~smack ~
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I will never understand why he actually act like this for EVERY SINGlE PRETTY GIRL WE MEET OR SEE?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\︵ ┻━┻ Σ (゚Д゚;)
Your pov As my bittersweet coffee cool down as I took a sip I felt a touch. As I turned around I saw no one just little kids that are bord and prankster. I was still want more and I could give some more sweet to the brothers. I heard of Yelp as I look down I see a wolf and a demon . I accidentally step on his tail I apologize to the wolf for accidentally stepping on his tail.i didn'tunderstand why he was there then all of a sudden the young demon. came to me and asked me if I would hold something for him. He ask me to hold his hand. I realized it wasn't a little kid demon he is a teen. I ever be flirted before I always thought I was practice girl or the girlfriend fairy or girly Cupid. I feel stupid and it could offend him.
"oh I am sorry I don't remember you but I could help you if you want to. "
💡 "hey can you please hold something for me please? "
(hums yes while sipping coffee)
"hold my hand sweet heart? "
( Boris The Wolf takes bendy the demon away from you cause your reaction)
Your point of view
Well that was a good start for today. Look like they lose me well enough since I now have no coffee anymore I guess I'll check on the brothers. I not really sure but I'm feeling I have some what seen and be seeing later .
Bendy pov
I feel like I had heard that angelic voice before but where .........?
~flash back of dream when sick ~
"Oh bendy contrary how much ink you spilled? "
"how did you know? "
"You to late I'm afraid this machine is already stop. "
"wait you about the machine too?! "
"I am a light l offer my hand but will you love me when I took by your hand?
"I don't understand. "
She whispered to me and say" one time I will be find but don't leave us .don't be the next be spilled ink. "
"Youred to late I am afraid this machine already stop. "
I saw the ( favorite color) female shadow with other shadows and my brother Boise they all went into a cave then a stream but when I look into my reflectionIsawmyselfbutit was very different myreflection it was monstress I wokeupinfear.