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💙Mugs x reader ♡

Your pov

I woke up mugs was sleeping see him sleep a bit I managed to heal faster then the doctors think but the current was pulled down I realized that I have to leave mugs and that he well been lonesome. I got my old phone and my number of previous cell phone I have and can explain I left him and the gift I give him. I am sorry mugs but I'll be busy finding your brother and visit you if I fail to find him. Please take care mugman.

Mugman pov

I woke up and I got a gift I look over at (your name) to be sleeping or something else or the current but the current was gone and so was her. I just to think things was worst to abit better got even more worst .
"first cup and now her. "
But at least I have a gift and a card it looked beautiful and a abit hand made too.

Dear mugs ,
I am sorry for leaving you with a bye but I'm going to be trying to find your brother Cuphead at the end of day I visit you feel free to call me when you get super lonely .(○^ U ^○)

~♡~ (your name)
How am I going to call her? Wait! The gift! I opened the box and I got an old cell phone with a charger it was lock I find a note it had a password for something


I tried it on the phone and it open in the numbers I can call their was one number but it just had this symbol :
I looked at the card she give me and I hope it was her but I had thirteen minutes left. Please work I want to hear her voice and is save and found my brother cup.

Part 1Adventurous BntqftimX Reader (fem)Where stories live. Discover now