Just a simple maiden visiting the Walted town for a place to stay. Until you came a cross on a parade. Made two new friends after that even though a accident happen your life changed after joining an adventure.
Well after try to figure out which sweets that the boys could love and myself to eat. I carried my bag of café sweets...... no i have a better idea maybe I should surprise them!
Cup pov
I woke up the girl in the bunny jacket was gone I see the table for the patiences was by my side with the gift that was in her arms. I reach to the table and pull it twored me I see a hand made envelope with a sticker on it I carefully get the sticker off fold the handmade envelope and read the note it said :
Thinkyou'reSlyFoxandCharming? IKnowWhatYouDid.you took a peek. it'sreally sweet thatyou'retrying togetinformation so you understandwhere your brother is .don't worry you'llsee him soon for the meantime enjoy yourselfsomethe cookies I made for you. don't worry I'll bring you moresweetstill. I got a surprise for you toowelloffewsurprises justwaitandsee!
~♡~ (your name)
Clever girl I thought wait I can be thing like this ! This is making more nervous than me sparing bendy life and mugman teasing me about it and the voices wondering about us too. But these " surprise " are good one because sometimes I kinda hate the word the surprise until is I get signs this is the good kind. Well hope this is good.
Mugs pov
I am bored and it been some time since I last time I saw (your name) ......maybe take a nap won't hurt and I could get a dream to entertain me
I see (your name) wearing a dress. slowly she is falling be it didn't look scary .her hair wavy like sea meeting the shor as golden bubbles fuzzing up like in soda or sparkling water. She opened her gorgeous eyes but they were purple instead. Out no where bunnies ,cats and wolfs in her hair
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and holds a cup with blue pattern and a straw with red pattern on it. All the animals from a line and did a small dance.
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they went to the cliff of mountain shape diamond .they dive into a floating blob of sparkling water. She was watching the animals for a bit. she wave at one of them then the animals. floating up so did the the water now it looks like she looking at a bubble of animals.
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slowly a (your spirit animal) but, it was blue and red and closes to her and looks nervous to pet it.
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as reach out to pet it her fingers nails were covered by (your birth gem).
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as she was about to touch the bubble a great flash of colors and I woke up.