Childhood Liturature

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When I was seven I loved reading stories, the beautiful descriptions and the eye-catching illustrations always engaged my senses.

Splashes of colors on a page, and descriptive writings started to paint my mind, so, at the age of seven and a half I wrote my first story.

It consisted a turtle moving towards the sea, but instead he starts to fly into the sky and it becomes the first flying turtle! His name was Larry by the way. And with this, I showed my adults my master piece. Proud to show Larry the Turtle.

"I would prefer if you'd go to the sciences, or politics. Writing and drawing isn't as helpful to the world, these career choices will leave you bankrupt!" said many of the adults.

Adults are like that, once they find something 'unusual' or 'counterproductive' they try to tell their children to turn the other way by scaring them into leaving.

For example:

"If you become an artist, you will be short on food. Even worse, a drunkard! You read these books before, haven't you? Look at this person, he drank wine daily! It will be for sure to break your parents heart."


"You will never be successful as these people. It takes a lot of patience and work, why waste it on papers and colored nothing while you can study to help the world?"

Yes, this was common.

And with that, I slowly turned away from my love for the arts, and began the more 'useful' things that adults love. The process was truly painful in my heart, and I kept that going for years. Instead of dedicating my love for colors for twenty years, I poured that love and passion for the sciences, mathematics, and foreign  languages.

Soon enough, I became a field medic to serve countries in need. The most useful thing my adults could have think of was me helping others.

I didn't get to enjoy my life enough to help myself for the past thirty years.

Literature was now a dream that is dried up like a raisin in the sun; even I still have the urge to write a book  but I wouldn't dare. I have become one of them, and found stuff like these un-useful to the world.

I have forgot to pleasure myself in the process of trying to please others. 

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