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You sighed,looking at the dark sky littered with stars desperately trying to light it up with the help of the moon.


Peace at last...

You loved hanging out with the bots and human kids,yes,but my fucking god they were so loud.

What with Miko blasting her music to Ratchet shouting at Bulkhead for breaking something, it got on your nerves.

So you sat in your favorite spot, well away from the commotion of the team and their human companions,in a small cave with a waterfall. Behind the water was a small tunnel, leading to a large pocket where you sat,blood dripping from your arms as you stare at the bloodied knife on the ground.

Why did you do this?

You felt responsible for giving the location of the old base away to the Cons. They tracked you down as you were on your way there and took you last minute,using that Energon prod to see if they could get more information.

You never told them a word.

And tough Optimus,Miko,and Ratchet forgave you,the rest of the team didn't seem to keen on it.

You sighed,wiping away the warm tears as they fall. Stupid... Why did you think they'd believe you?

"I swear,Master,she was here!"

The shrill voice of Starscream shouts,"I don't doubt it...Leave,I shall handle this." Megatron responded,the sound of transforming was heard before a jet flew off.

Megatron took personal gratitude to tournament you during your stay on his ship,smacking you around in his holoform as not to kill you to quickly,taking a few jabs with that damn prod. The loud steps sounded closer to the tunnel, you pressed yourself against the farthest wall there with the knife in your trembling hands.

Not shaking just out of fear,but anger.

He did this. This is his fault!


The water sounded off as the all to familiar holoform stepped in,smirking at you. He walked closer to you as your shaking ceased.

You snapped.

Yelling out in a battle cry you tackled the warlord to the ground,knife over your head. He laughed darkly, "What are you going to do? Kill me?" He cackled.

"No...I'm just gonna make you hurt. Really,really bad." You laughed,bringing it down to his arm,butt stopping just above the skin. Your eyes widening.

After all this,this is were I stop?! Act first, dammit! You can question it later!

But what would Optimus say...?

You stare down to the face of Megatron as it slowly relaxed from preparing for oncoming pain. He looked up at you in shock as you bring the knife back up and stab it into the ground,next to his head. "Just because I stopped now doesn't mean jack shit,understand? As soon as the bots get rid of me I will kill you,and it will be slow and painful."

"I'll be waiting for that day,then,human." He smirked.


You walk into the base with your hoodie covering your new wounds,the team looked at you with worry. "What?" You snapped.

"Where were you?" Optimus asked,worried, "Kicking Megatron's ass,you?" You crossed your arms,ignoring the pain blooming from the action. "You what!?" Miko shouts,"Yeah,he found me and I attacked him with this."You pulled out your pocket knife,crusted in your own blood. "Y/n is that-"

"Don't worry,it's not his."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Optimus said,looking at you with worry. You glance at the team in suspicion, then your eyes land on Miko.

She knows about your history of self harm and what makes you relapse. She looked away,guilty.

You narrowed your eyes and growled,"I see. So you guys only worry if I'm the one causing me pain?! Not when Megatron beat me with an inch of my life for shits and giggles,not when the cons kidnapped me on my way to base,not when you assholes ignore me!? You guys are unbelievable! "You throw your arms up in disbelief, your sleeves fell slightly before you throw your arms back down.

"Y/n..." Optimus stares at your arm with wide optics. Of course he noticed. He looked around and picked me up,transforming around me and driving off.

I sat in silence as he drove away from the military base and parked in the empty road. "Take off your jacket. Now." He orders. You sighed and slowly removed it,dried blood crusted on your sore arms,staining the skin red. His holoform appeared in the drivers seat and takes your hands gently,looking into your eyes.

"Y/n,what happened was not your fault." He started,"You didn't know. Despite how smart you are,they tricked you. And that's okay...but this...? Hurting yourself? This isn't okay..."he brushed away tears on your cheek with his hand,letting it stay there as he rubbed your skin with his thumb,"You're a wonderful,beautiful girl,Y/n... And I...I should know more than anyone else because I love you. I do,I love you...and it hurts me to see you do this to yourself..."his free hand gently lays over several of your wounds,soothing them with the warmth of his skin.

"Please don't scare me like this..." He said softly. You stare at him in shock,and he suddenly got a frightened look on his face,"I-I-"

You pulled him close and pressed your lips on his and wrapping your arms around him, soon he kissed back before you both pulled away. He pressed his forehead against yours and smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too,ya dork."

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