Chapter 01 | Timber

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The morning breeze swept through my dorm hitting me in the face. Sitting in my bay seat notebook in hands I had little time left before my first class. The wind whistled, causing my ears to flinch.

Turning my head I took in the time. With only thirty minutes to get dressed and down to my class I sighed. Placing my notebook down I walked into my closest.

Licking my lips I felt the cold metal of my lip piercing. I mentally cussed myself out for the hundredth time since the beginning of the school year. Like any self respecting teen I hate school.

Of course, you are probably like? Then why did you go to another four year course that was optional. Simple answer. Ever since I was born I've never been able to control my powers.

And most think I never will be. After an insistent when I was twelve I stopped using my powers in total. That was until this year when I enrolled at Neronia. Neronia is supposedly the best school in Kalin, able to teach its students how to master their powers.

But for the first two months I've not moved an inch. My powers still lie dormant not wanting to be used. My teachers say it's because I left them alone for so many years, me?

I think I hated myself for them for so long that even if I don't know it, my head is keeping them away. Which I wouldn't say is the worst thing out there.

Picking out a AC/DC shirt I threw it on and pulled on a flannel jacket. After putting some jeans on I went into my bathroom and did a double take in the mirror.

White pale skin contrasted my bright blue eyes decently. My lip piercing doing a little dance as I smiled into the mirror. And for my hair the dark purple color blossomed running past my shoulders.

Giving myself one last glance in the mirror I packed my journal into my backpack. Walking out the door it was only a short five minute walk to my first class of the day.

I better give you a few more details.

My name is Timber Moraine. I'm nineteen and attend Neronia School Of Magics. I've been an orphan since childhood, which some say is why my powers lay dormant.

I wouldn't say that was wrong.

Moving on, I talent in very few things. The only thing I think I do decently is paint and draw. Back in Winswood, where I grew up I was counted for multiple counts of graffiti. So much the city practically packed my bags when I moved to Colzen.

Colzen is the Capital City of Kalin. Kalin being the county of freedom and hamburgers. Colzen just so happened to be the resting place of Neronia. But of lately Neronias grand name has been taking so many beatings.

A ferrous group called Kronos have prided themselves with tainting our city. Started with easy bank robberies turned to full on C-4 explosions. With police shuttering from their name the city was practically defenseless.

I wouldn't blame them.

Walking down the halls kids grouped up with each other. Snickering about many things. With my backpacked slung over my shoulder I made my way down the main hall remembering it was just a few turns away.

Taking a quick glance I rolled my eyes. Keller Johnson had once again seduced another girl. She giggled as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. She was the eighteenth victim of his this year.

He had his personal list of girls. While you would think girls would catch on and ignore him, most didn't. Thinking that they were finally the one. And I couldn't say his douche friends were any better.

Frank Hinkle, or Frankie Tinkle in my book. He wasn't nearly as bad as Keller but picked up his pieces, dating the girls Keller had already banged. Which I thought was sick.

Next was Hansel Gregs. He didn't bang girls or anything, no he lead them to Keller. Becoming their 'friend' then introducing them to his sweet friend Keller. Thankfully Keller hadn't tried to put my name on his list yet.

But he still knew I existed. On the first week of school he told some chick my work was trash as they passed me spraying some graffiti. So I did what any normal girl would do, turned around and spray painted him hot pink. Took him a good week to wash the pink out of his hair.

Ever since then he's called me multiple names. Casting the thoughts away I was brought back to reality by my good friend Claire. She gave me a smile before she started on her morning hello,

"Well there's my favorite purple headed friend. Morning girly! How have you been? Have you seen Kellers new chick? Totally a bitch if you ask me."

I chuckled.

"Yeah. Did you see her jeans? To many rips if you ask me." I amused.

Claire nodded looking over my shoulder at the fresh couple.

"A day or two max. Not even that much, I think I may be getting my hopes up."

"Oh please," I sassed pointing back to them. "By the end of the night he'll be in her pants, and that's a promise."

Shrugging her shoulders she returned her ideas, "You heading to first hour?"

I nodded, "and jeez I don't want to go." Tensing my shoulders Claire picked up on my uncomfortable thoughts.

"They'll come back eventually Timber. We just have to wait until then."

I shook my head agreeing. "It's jut been so many weeks now. You'd think they would've come back by now." She gave me a quick sympathetic look.

"Moving on, I don't want to make you late. Better get your ass down to first hour." She gave me a pat on the back. "See ya later!"

"See ya later." I returned before walking into first hour. Sitting down I took out my notebook and waited for the Professor to walk in.

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