Wrong word

7 6 1

Excuse me but,
Is it just this, or that your name is also spelled wrong?
Is english your second language or your mother tongue?
No, not that,
maybe you just did it so that the ad will sound strong?
Or that you needed a shorter word and 'retinal' felt too long?

Oh, I get it! you didn't know what is that photography about
Rectal, instestinal or retinal, no one will eventually read about
As long as the right words on the picture clearly shout
It's about eyes, can't be 'rectum' on which will be the workout

I mean let's be honest, can rectum be that nice and colourful?
I bet such a photography-with all do respect- would be painful
I'm sure you had a  sense of humour and wanted to be playful
Drawing a relief smile on a patient this way was quite mindful

Knowing they won't need such a procedure to correct their vision
Still, I wonder, this really looks a lot more like an illusion
How many people saw this before you got an agreement decision
To put it into public, don't tell me you did it without revision

It's a nice thing to see such a thing though, you know?
Because--in fact, it is a beautiful 'human touch' somehow
To know it's not a machine's effort but made by you, my fellow
Where the perfection of the human imperfections simply show

You see, I'm gonna open a club called 'Share your hobby'
I'm aiming for a nice poster, that is attractive instead of crabby
So leave me your card with your name spelled right baby
Or safer ... let me leave you mine, and call me maybe!

Ink On Paper- Lilia. K
December 9th, 2017

(NB: It should be retinal not rectal)



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