Making Enemies

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I could almost feel myself harden when she mentioned him and I guess she could see it because she instantly gave me a warm smile and reached for my hands, and wrapping them in hers.

"Look honey, I know you don't want to talk about it but... if I'm going to be your lawyer you have to tell me everything that happened that night including the-"

I snatched my hands away from her and took two huge steps back

"The police probably told you everything you needed to know to represent me, so what else do I need to tell you?" I asked cautiously, narrowing my eyes

"Trish I just need to know your side of the story from that night and the police can't fully give me that because they weren't there. If you want to win this case then you have to-"

I cut her off again, shaking my head

"I don't have to do anything, can't you just take me to school or something..." She sighed, pulling at her navy suite in frustration

"Of course, you don't want to be late right? Let's go, we'll just discuss this later"

Now it was my turn to sigh because I really didn't want to discuss this later, hell I didn't even fully want to be here.

We got in her car and drove off in silence for the rest of the ride with me looking out the window and her sneaking glances in my direction she thought I didn't see.

We pulled up to a tall beige building with students walking around with their cliques of friends; it was a typical high school, with the typical mean people.

I reached for the door but aunt Jen stopped me,

"I don't wanna make you late but I just wanted to let you know your teachers were filled in vaguely about what happened and will not be asking about the bruises."

I nodded reaching for the door again

"Wait!" I stopped once again and looked at her getting more annoyed every time she held me up

"I also wanted to tell you to have a good day at school and think about what we talked about this morning, ok?"

I nodded and she smiled, waving for me to finally get out the car I closed the door behind me quickly, trying to make it to the front entrance without being noticed too much.

But of course my plan had to be ruined when my aunt rolled down the window and yelled really loudly

"Make lots of friends Trish! Love you!"

before driving off and leaving me with almost everyone outside staring at me.

Thanks aunt Jen, I really owe you for that one.

I used my hair as a curtain and sped to the door with my head down.

But of course the universe wasn't on my side and I crashed into someone almost falling if the had not have caught me.

"Hey what's the rush there babe?" a masculine voice chuckled, with his hands still tightly holding me in place.

I peeked up at him not showing my bruised face through my hair.

And I have to say if I were any other girl in any other situation I would have gasped at how, well, hot he was.

His eyes were a piercing gray that made me feel like he could see right through me, his hair was mess but in a way that made him look good and his lips held a cocky smirk.

I quickly collected myself and used my hair to cover the very small blush that spread on my cheeks, "I'm not your babe, can you let me go please."

He smirked as he took his hands off me and I took a few steps away, moving my face even further under the curtain of hair. "No one else would be able to get away with that but since your obviously new here, so I'll let it slide just this once."

He said cockily moving closer, knowing it made me uncomfortable.

"I have to go." I whispered quickly trying to step past him, but his group of friends were blocking my path before I could even take two steps.

"Wait a second babe, can't I at least see that pretty little face of yours before you go; I mean it would only be fair since you never even said thank you."

I really wasn't in the mood for any of this crap, first this morning and now this jerk was ruining my day even more.

I whipped around, finally letting my hair move from my face and showing him all the bruises on my face and arms

"Thank you! Now can I go or are is your little clique still gonna be in my fucking way?" I practically screamed, so much for invisible.

He looked shocked not only by my outburst but probably by the bruises. I rolled my eyes and turned around, his group had moved to let me go and I scurried inside mentally scalding myself.

Of course the first I do is make enemies when I get here.

Good call Trish!

I go inside the building without looking back but it's like I can still feel his eyes following my through the glass and I get a little shiver.

I brushed it off, shaking my head. It always seemed like I was better at making enemies than friends anyway.

A/N: I'm a BIG FAT LIAR!!!!!! I said I was gonna update Friday and that was like 3 Fridays ago! But I already have the third chapter done and it will be better than this one.

I also lied when I said this one was gonna be Evans POV. But hopefully this makes up for it. ( pic of evan on the side, Ben bowers! That boys sooooo hot!)

The song on the side is eyelashes by TORI KELLY!

I love her so much and this song is Trish and Evans relationship perfectly, especially when the story progresses.

So I hope you forgive me and you listen to the song. Also COMMENT and VOTE if you think I deserve it.

Bye guys!

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