Winner of Best New Story of the Year 2017. The Haven High Series:
Book 1: Enlightened;
Book 2: Addicted;
Book 3: Despaired;
Book 4: Protected;
Book 5: Abducted;
Book 6: Betrayed;
Book 7: Beloved;
Book 8: Transformed;
Book 9: Ascended.
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Donnie cat woke the next morning curled up on a plush pillow on Kelly's floor. He was back behind the magical wall of the protection circle, and he hated the trapped feeling of being behind the lit candles. Cats are curious about fire but, it doesn't mean they want to sleep with it surrounding them. Knowing a cat's tail sometimes has a mind of its own, doesn't lead to a very comfortable rest when one is so close to open flame.
He stepped off the pillow languorously to step into a patch of sunlight and let the warmth permeate his fur. What a glorious morning it was. It was turning out to be a great follow-up to the best night of his life. Last night had been indescribably perfect. None of his friends had left the party till nearly four am. He'd danced nearly every dance with Kelly and he had even hunted down some chocolate faery cakes for her.
And when he says faery cakes he doesn't mean the British kind he means the real thing. He had carried over a plate full of them for her and she had been kind enough to share them with him. It was the first time he'd ever eaten fae food, and to say it had been delicious would be an understatement. They had been like sweet ambrosia. Fae fair is different than human food. It gives you a sense of euphoria unlike anything you'll ever experience. That's probably why there are so many warnings in fairytales to avoid it. You are certainly not in your right mind after consumption.
He let out a jaw cracking yawn and stretch his furry body in a wide arc. Letting his nails loop into the plush carpet to get that extra bit of resistance. The only thing that would make this morning more perfect would be if it was Saturday and he could laze about all day, but no he and Kelly would have to get ready for school soon.
With that thought he looked over at his sleeping beauty. She was curled up on her side facing in his direction and her face in repose was sublime. All the hard edges and nuance of her jagged hard core personality were gone in sleep and it made her features softer. She looked less haunted more at peace. This cruel world had let her down and Donnie longed to make her waking world as perfect as her slumber.
His childhood hadn't been idyllic either.
Donnie was born in Rome Italy to a Russian Ballerina and the mistress of an Italian Tycoon. It was plain even to him as a small boy that she had never wanted children. She made no secret that she might have had a wondrous career as a prima ballerina if he hadn't come along. She often blamed him for the loss of her perfect shape. He thought it might have more to do with the box of bon bons she ate daily, but who could tell.
He was raised by a steady stream of nannies until he was old enough to attend school and at that time he was sent to an all boy's Catholic boarding school in the heart of Rome. And even though it was only minutes away from his childhood home he never again saw his mother. And he'd never once met his father.
Essentially he was orphaned by two of the most self centered people he'd ever had the misfortune to meet or in his father's case, never meet. He stayed with the nuns and priests until the summer of his 12th year when he received a letter from distant cousins that resided in America. They would board him from that point onward.