Chapter Eight

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As I walked into the school building, I could hear the murmur of students around me. But this time it was different, everyone's stares were directed towards me. I walked down the halls with a questioning look on my face as I made my way towards my locker. When I made it there ignoring the pain shooting through me and my ribs, I wished I never came to school. On my locker was plastered, "Cambella, Schools dyke, slut, and fag."

I was livid, I've never cared about people knowing my sexuality, but this takes things to far. I looked around the halls in search of who did this, and my eyes landed on Vicky who was snickering in the corner, with Dan. Of fucking course. I get why she's mad at me, but he doesn't have the damn right, and I'm not justifying what she did, but I understand.

I walked up to them ignoring the pain coursing throughout my entries body. When I got there I pinned Dan to the lockers.

"You think this is fucking funny?!" I yell, tightening my grip on him.

"Yeah I actually think it's hilarious" he said with a smirk.

"You don't know a god damn thing about me, so I suggest you keep your nose out of places it doesn't belong, and stop pushing my goddamn buttons." I sneered.

"Or what?" He said.

"Trust me, you don't want to know."

"Is that a threat" he said.

"No, it's a promise" I said and lose es my grip and pushed him away from me. All that was heard throughout the halls were the "ohhhhhs" of the students. I didn't are though, I saw her face and she looked at me, like she was disappointed and hurt. As if I was the worst thing she's ever seen.

This moment in which I saw her, gave Dan an opportunity, and he took it. He punched me in the face, sending me to the ground. I was already hurt from yesterday, but that didn't stop me. I got up and tackled him, sending us both to the ground. I straddled him and punched him repeatedly. I ignored Vicky's yells for me to stop and kept hitting him. He acts like he knows me. Like he's seen what I've been through, like he's known my hurt.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me off of him. I turned around to yell at the person who did, but I was surprised to see Sam. I mean we weren't even friends. I looked to the ground to see Dan lying there and then I turned my gaze back to Sam.

"Why did you do that?" I asked above a whisper.

"That doesn't matter right now, just go before someone rats you out" he said.

"Thank you" I said and made my way out the building. So much for my plan to go to school.

I went to the park and sat on the swing sets and that's where I felt all the pain come crashing down. Not just my physical pain, but my emotional and mental pain, everything built up, everything I've hid for years, came crashing down. I've never admitted how I felt, I've never acknowledged my emotions, that is until now. Everything came crashing down. I let the tears fall freely down my face, and sobs escaped my body. Why me? Why was my life so screwed up? What did I ever do? What's the point of a fucking anything if all I ever do is suffer. That's when reality hit me. For once in my life, I opened up to someone, I let someone in, and even if it wasn't much, it was enough. I fell in love with the most amazing girl, who may have battle scars, but it just makes her more beautiful, and I ruined it. I ruined my one chance of happiness. I was raped by my own father, abused and beaten by my mother and father. I'm such a screw up. Everything is my fault.

This made me cry even more, and I could feel not only all of my physical pain, but the pain of my memories that haunt me. I cried for what felt like an eternity, until I had no more tears left. I looked up and saw the sun setting, and I checked my phone to see that is was 7:30pm. I guess I really did get lost in how I felt. I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. Every single good thing in my life I ruined. All I had was Vicky and Jade, but now? They're gone and so is a piece of me.

Hey guys what's up? You know besides the, not the time. Okay I get it. But anyways, I would like to apologize for not updating in such a long time. We've both been extremely busy with school and exams are coming up so you can imagine the stress levels. I hope you guys enjoyed, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you and I'll see ya guys later! Bai😊

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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