Birthday Gift! Len x reader

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Hello minna-san! This is the other version of the special chapter!

Although its not really family-friendly its the normal one and... I hope you like it though this is for Lenpai's birthday.

Also Rin happy birthday gurl!

So lets get started.


Y/n's POV

Today is Len's birthday!
I wanted to give something to him..
What could it be??

Bananas? Banana merchandise what gift should I give him today Im so confused ( ̄□ ̄;)

Also today is Rin's birthday too
I know I'll bake some orange cake for her!

Len's POV

I realized today was my birthday! And the good part that me and Rin will celebrate it separately.

I hope y/n remembers also the other vocaliods too.

Y/n's POV

Hmm... I wanted to give Len something extra ordinary...Something special.

Something that its not just any material.
But came from the heart.

I know! how about if we spent time together it will be fun!

I went out of my room and took a bath.
Cooked my breakfast and ate it.

And then...I went to Rin and Len's house or more like a mansion to me.


"Who is it-" Len said half asleep.

"y/n??!" Len said suprise

"Hi Len! Happy Birthday!" I greeted

"Thank you very much!" Len thanked me.

As you know Len is my boyfriend.
I wanted to give something that would make him smile and I wanted to see that smile every second, every minute, everyday even I cant though.

"Hey! Wanna hang out together??" Len asked.

"Hey! No fair! Im the one who should ask first!" I complain.

"Hehe I think I read your mind y/n" Len chuckled.

"Yeah yeah fine, whatever" I said in a childish tone.

"Oh! Why dont you come in? Im gonna get ready k?" Len said.

"Ok be quick" I said in an impatient tone

"Youre really are excited arent you?" Len teased.

"Of course Im excited since its your birthday;)" I said.

«Timeskip after changing brought to you by Len's Hawt Bod~»

"Im ready! So where are we going?" Len asked.

"How about lets go to a Ice cream shop, or maybe a pizzeria... My treat!" I suggest.

"Oh! I want to go to the Ice cream shop! I wanted to buy some limited edition special banana split." Len said with an excitement on his face.

"ok ok banana boy!.. Calm down... I'll buy you one! So lets go!" I tried to calm his banana ass down, cuz he's freaking crazy right now. 😂

While we were walking, I've been thinking something... Or maybe remeber something...I dunno...

Nah! Today is Len's B-day! I'll make sure he will be happy.

Len Kagamine x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now