I fell in love with my best friend- Len x reader

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*Feel free to listen as you read. Note: The video doesn't belong to me, credits to the rightful owner*

Y/n's POV

Here, I am eating my lunch with my best friend, Len Kagamine. But to me, he's more than a friend to me. I had developed feelings for him as time went by. He's my everything in my eyes, but for him, I was like a sister.

It hurts I know, but I'll not give up. "Hey, cupcake! Can I have a bite of your lunch pretty pwease~" He whined doing cute puppy eyes. I'm always weak when he acts cute, I admit, and he knew. "Ok, ok, here... Say 'AHH'" I said, grabbing a salmon sushi from my bento. "AHH!~" He said in a childish voice. Cute.

"Mmmm! Delicious! Did your mom made this?" He questioned. "No, actually I made it myself.." "You will be a great wife in the future!" I was fluttered by his statement. 


"Oh! Lunch is over, see ya later, cupcake!" he said as he quickly kept his bento in his lunch bag and went off giving me a flying kiss. His action made my blush crept to my cheeks. I kept my bento in my lunch bag and went off to class. Sadly we weren't in the same class. While walking, little did I know my best friend was behind me and...



"Calm yo tits, it's just me."

"You almost scared the sh*t out of me."

"Calm thyself."

It was Gumi and after our little argument, we were walking our way to class and started another boring lesson.

<<Timeskip after school>>

I told Gumi to wait for a minute so I could find Len and go home together. I made my way to his classroom but... Len wasn't there. I thought to myself that he can't go home just by himself. We usually go home together, this is rather.. odd.

I ran to different rooms, yet still no sign of Len. There's one thing I haven't checked, the rooftop. Both of us usually go there and my mind is telling me to go but on the way to the rooftop, I had a bad feeling. A feeling churning my stomache in an unpleasant way. But I shrugged my thought away, and here  I am.

I open the door slowly seeing two familiar figures. I took a closer inspection and realized that was Len and Miku. What were they doing? I can't help but eavesdrop. I open the door a little wider so I can have a better look.

"So... What are you gonna tell me again Miku.?"

"Here goes nothing but I hope you understand..."

What is she trying to say???

"Umm.. L-len I have a crush on you ever since and I can't help it, I really love you, I really do, I hope you accepted my feelings.."

And there I stood frozen. Blank is the state I am right now. Are you kidding me? Len on the other side stood shocked and he.. blushed? And the feeling before grew bigger.


"It's ok, I don't want to force yourself..."

"No No! It's not what you think *sighs* I also feel the same to you."

And that's when my heart broke into tiny little pieces. The feeling I felt now is.... pain, and it fucking hurts a lot.

"Wouldn't you mind telling me this.... Can you be my girlfriend?"

That's when the world before me, crushed into tiny bits. The scene before me turned blurry and soon after, tears welp on my face. But I quickly wiped them off.

"Y-Yes! Of course! I would love to!"  And then they embraced each other.

How could I tell you I love you when you were so happy with some other girl? Then a pissed Gumi coming on my way.



And when she opened the door she gasped.

"Oh! Did we interrupt you two? I'm so sorry!-" I quickly said. Gumi knows that I had a crush on Len but she didn't tell him, keeping our promise. The now pissed Gumi is now a confused one. We looked eye to eye as if we're communicating. I gave her the 'I know and don't worry I'm ok' look.

"By the way Len, Congrats! I hope you and your girlfriend last long!" I faked a smile, holding back my tears. But I didn't really hope for that and I felt bad for it.

"Thanks, cupcake!~ I hope you will find one for you soon!." Really Len?!? Seriously?!  

"Yeah, sure, if you're gonna go home, we're going now, or maybe if you want to... you know what I'm talking about." I bluntly said. "Yeah, and thanks for supporting cupcake!" "Y-yeah, you better t-take care of her!" Gumi awkwardly said. "Yeah, I know that carrothead thanks too~"

I just can't handle it anymore. I grabbed Gumi's wrist and waved goodbye to Len. I ran down dragging her along with me. Going down a couple more floors and we reached the bottom. 

"Hey, hey slow down! You sure you're okay?" Gumi asked worriedly as we walked outside the school together. "Yeah, I'm okay. " I gave her a sweet yet fake smile. " *Sighs* "I know how you feel y/n.. you're just acting like you're okay, and tell you what... you're great at putting up a calm front but it's fine. You don't have to keep your mask up, it's fine to show our true selves to the person who's there for you."

I can't hold it. I can't hide it. My mask is breaking and my eyes starting to form tears. I hugged Gumi and cried on her chest. "Gumi, you know it really hurts me..." "It's fine, be strong, Y/n, Just wait for the right time, someone will notice you, loves you, and gives you the attention you need, trust me." She patted my back while whispering words to cheer me up.

"Thanks, Gumi, I'm really lucky to have a best friend like you... " I said showing her my true smile. "Aww.. Of course! I'm destined to be with you." She winked at the end. I smack her head playfully and we just laughed and telling jokes. At least now, I'm not sad.. But I didn't forget what happened earlier.

I got home, cleaned myself, finished my assignments and went to my bed. Cold tears streaming down my cheeks. "Why is it hard to move on??" I looked at our picture together, when we were ten.

"Someday, I'll just wait for you, Len." and I drifted off to dreamland.


I hope you guys liked it, I know it's a bit sad, there's part 2, yup! :D Have a great day/night everyone~


Len Kagamine x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now