2. Dark Paradise

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[It's loosely based on song Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey. Idk if it's good...I was really tired while writing the ending so it may suck. Still I really hope you'll enjoy♡]

Carl's POV

Y/N chuckled softly at something I said and leaned her head on my shoulder yawning.

"sleepy?" I asked tugging a piece of her hair behind her ear and examining her face. I loved looking at her, it was always calming me, making me feel like everything will be okay.

She nodded pouting softly and nuzzled in my neck.

"a bit" she whispered and chuckled.

Me and Y/N were sitting on the grass, on the field we've found in the middle of the forest.

I don't even know how we've got here. But it was beautiful and seemed safe so we've stayed.

There were flowers everywhere and it was surrounded by trees which were giving us shadow in sunny days. Surprisingly there wasn't any walkers anywhere near. Neither other people. No one else visit this place. Just us.

"we can take a nap if you want" I looked at her from the corner of my eyes seeing she's also looking at me with small smile plastered on her lips.

She didn't need to say anything. I could tell she liked this idea. My arms wrapped tighter around her and I laid us both on the grass, making her laying on my chest.

"sing something to me" I heard her quiet whisper. My head pulled up a bit to look at her raising my eyebrows surprised. She responded with pleading look "just like you hum to Judith when she can't sleep. The song I taught you" she said softly.

I sighed still smiling and shook my head lightly, laying on the ground again. After a moment from my lips escaped quiet humming.

It was a song Y/N taught me way before Alexandria. After my mum died. She said that singing or humming this was making her feel better and maybe it would work on me too.

This peaceful moment lasted a couple minutes. In which we were just laying there with closed eyes enjoying my humming, warm wind slowly rushing through the field and sun warming our skins.

Suddenly girl sat up. Confusion and a bit of worry filled my mind as she pulled away. She put her hand on my chest and looked at me carefully. I opened my eyes questioningly.

When she saw I was looking, on her lips appeared a smile. She leaned to me connecting our lips.

How was it possible that with her one touch my heart started to beat faster and I couldn't think about anything else but her?

I smiled into the kiss, loving every second of it. Our lips moved in sync, like they were made for each other for a longer moment, until she pulled away.

"I think you should go" she whispered leaning her forehead against mine with her eyes still closed.

My expression instantly changed from loving smile to a frown. I didn't want to leave her. I just wanted to stay that way forever.

"why?" I asked my voice getting weaker just at the thought of going away "I want to stay with you"

"Carl, it will be fine" she said quietly opening her eyes and touching my cheek, sliding her fingers down it gently "but you need to go" she said with begging in her voice.

"I won't leave you" I stated with serious voice, also sitting up. I looked her in the eyes "I would never leave you!"

Y/N looked down biting her lip and started to fiddle with the grass.

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