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I was tagged by anxious-lrh. Thank you, I honestly love being tagged in stuff, idk why.
Anyway here it is!

 Anyway here it is!

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1) Oh that's hard! I love so many books! But if I'd need to choose my favorites of all times it would probably be "Percy Jackson and the Greek gods" series or "Anne from Green Gables"

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1) Oh that's hard! I love so many books! But if I'd need to choose my favorites of all times it would probably be "Percy Jackson and the Greek gods" series or "Anne from Green Gables"

2) twd: Gregory
Shameless: Sammi
Bonus: Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter

3) twd: Carl grimes
Shameless: Carl Gallagher

4) idk, there's too many of them. I can't choose one.

5) I need to admit that I haven't seen IT (1990) but I'm planning on doing it. So for now IT (2017)

6) yes I did. Cause I was curious how they'll show as important issue as suicide. I think they haven't showed it well mainly cause they haven't showed Hannah's depression and what she struggled with...like at all.

7) I have a crush

8) twd: Carl sitting on a rooftop eating pudding and pharmacy scene with Glenn and Maggie ;)

Shameless: the scene where social worker comes to check on Gallagher's and she sees all those kids, boy who thinks he's a girl, shot Mickey on the table and doctor taking bullet out of his ass cheek, Fiona looking for their aunts corpses and Debby bragging about wanting to drown Holly.

9) I don't really have a favorite brand but I really want to have mini when I'll get licence

10) cookie dough

11) is it bad that I haven't watched neither of those?

12) No, but not long ago I had two guinea pigs. One's can't really be translated to English and other I names Squirrel...cause he looked like a squirrel.

13) New York or Paris

14) "I regret nothing" or "after all, I lived a good life"

15) probably when I was really young cause everything back then was so easy...but right now is pretty good too

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