Getting to know each other

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Fangs was sleeping soundly when all of a sudden Toni burst into his room.
"Fangs, wake up! It's time for school!" She yelled.
Fangs groaned and rolled to the other side.
Toni growled and ripped the blankets from under him.
"Toni, I swear you get more annoying as the days go by."
Toni smirked and walked out.
Fangs changed and then went downstairs where Toni was already waiting for him.

At school
Fangs and Toni took off their helmets and walked into class just seconds before the bell rang.
That's where Fangs spotted him.
Tall, jet black hair brushed to the side, brown eyes, a slim body and a two-headed snake tattooed on his neck.
"Omg Toni, who is that?"
Fangs whispered.
"I don't know dude it's the first day how about you go talk to him. Meanwhile, I'm gonna go sit next to that ginger with the dark brown eyes and her thick red lips. Good luck."
Toni patted Fangs back and sat next to the girl.
Fangs took a deep breath and sat behind the boy.
Fangs felt like class had lasted forever but finally, the bell rang.
The next three periods went by really fast and to his surprise, he had them all with the hot boy.

During lunch
Fangs at lunch sat next to Toni and the girl who's name was Cheryl with her friends Jughead and Archie.
That's where he saw the beautiful boy from the class whispering under his breath and looking around angrily and anxiously.
Fangs stood up and walked to him.
"Hey, I'm Fogarty but you can call me Fangs. Do you wanna come sit with us?"
The guy smiled.
His beautiful white teeth showing.
"Thanks, bro. I thought I was gonna have to pretend to be doing something important so people wouldn't have thought I was alone."
He followed Fangs to the table and sat next to him.
"Hey, guys this is? I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."
"Oh sorry, I'm Sweet Pea."
"Well this is Toni my best friend, Cheryl, Jughead and Archie"
"Wassup guys. Again thanks for letting me sit with you again."
"O-oh it's no problem."
"So what are your electives for this year Sweet Pea?"
"I took study hall and lacrosse."
Fangs got filled with joy.
"You play lacrosse too!? I love lacrosse it's not as popular as it should be though."
"Right like it's one of the best sports ever made and you just ignore with other bullshit sports."
For the entire lunch period, Sweet Pea and Fangs learned a lot about each other and talked about sports.
After that, they had decided to hang out after school on Friday.

"So, Fangs you and Sweet Pea after school on Friday," Toni said with a dirty tone in her voice.
Fangs slightly pushed her.
"Be quiet Toni, it's nothing like that we're just hanging out."
"Suuuuuuure." Toni playfully rolled her eyes.

Then the rest of the week Sweet Pea and Fangs bonded even more.

After school
Fangs was waiting at the front of the school when he saw Sweet Pea walking towards him.
He ran to him and excitedly asked where they were going.
"It's a surprise dude." Sweet Pea answered.
Then they walked to wherever Sweet Pea was gonna take Fangs.

Abandoned Amusement Park
"So why'd you choose this place, Sweet Pea?" Fangs asked getting kinda creeped out.
"Oh, it's just this cool place where I and my ex used to hang out."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear the ex part."
"Yeah, I caught him cheating with this one random girl."
Fangs was shook and excited about the him part because that meant Sweet Pea liked guys.
Sweet Pea led Fangs to the house of mirrors and they found a nice spot to sit at.
Fangs noticed most of the mirrors were broken.
"Hey Sweet Pea did you and your ex do this or was it already like this when you found it?"
"Oh yeah, that I did it after I and him broke up. When I get angry I punch things or yell to calm down."
"So, Fangs have you ever dated someone?"
"Nope. I haven't kissed someone for the first time."
Sweet Pea turned to look at him.
"Well, maybe I could be your first kiss."
Sweet Pea slowly leaned in and kissed Fangs.
Fangs was surprised but he didn't care he was just happy that his first kiss was with someone like Sweet Pea.
Fangs ran his hands through Sweet Pea's hair while Sweet Pea abruptly pulled Fangs to his lap.
After a while, they both stopped to breathe.
Fangs looked at Sweet Pea who was panting and red.
Sweet Pea smirked.
"I'm guessing you really liked your first kiss Fangs."
"You could say that Sweets."
They were about to kiss again when Fang's phone rang and interrupted it.
He checked who it was and saw it was Toni.
"Oh shit, she probably wants me back at the house for something. Sorry Sweets looks like we'll have to continue this some other time."
He kissed Sweet Pea's cheek and ran off.
Sweet Pea watched him run while he grabbed his cheek and smiled.
"Ha Sweets. How cute can he be."
He whispered under his breath.

That's it for chapter 1
hope you guys enjoyed it :3

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