Making up for it

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"Toni, what the hell do you want?" Fangs yelled.
"Wow watch the attitude Fangs." Toni warned.
"Sorry, it's just you just ruined the greatest moment of my life with Sweet Pea."
"Omg, you gotta tell me what happened. Don't you dare leave any detail out."
Fangs then explained what happened while Toni was fangirling the entire time.
"Fangs I am so sorry. It was just Cheryl and Archie and Jughead are coming over and I didn't want to be left alone with a cute girl and two guys that I don't know."
Fangs playfully rolled his eyes.
"I see. I'll forgive you if you let me invite Sweet Pea."
"Yaay, thanks, Toni."

When everyone arrives
Fangs and Sweet Pea blush when they see each other.
"So let me guess, Toni already knows what happened between us two." Sweet Pea said.
"Ha yup. Sorry Sweets it's just you know she's my best friend and we don't keep secrets from each other."
"Nah I'm cool with it. It's better than hiding it."
Sweet Pea then grabbed Fang's hand and pulled him to the couch where everybody else was.
Cheryl and Toni were flirting on one side of the couch while Archie and Jughead were sitting on a chair being all cutesy.
"Hey, guys how about we stop all the making out and we actually do something." Fangs yelled.
"Fine Fangs. Do you want to stay here and play truth or dare or do you wanna go to Pop's and have some milkshakes?" Toni asked.
"Hmmmmm Let's go to Pops"
They got off the couch and walked out the door.

At Pop's
Toni and Cheryl sat across from Jughead, Archie, Fangs and Sweet Pea.
"So is everyone here a couple or are you and Sweet Pea just friends?" Cheryl asked.
"Well I mean I don't know after that kiss I don't think we're just friends." Sweet Pea said.
The entire table went ooohhhhh while Fangs was blushing ferociously.
"So what do you say Fangs, wanna be my boyfriend?"
Fang's entire face went red and he could only choke out a squeaky yes.
The entire table clapped and ordered milkshakes and burgers.
Jughead, of course, ate Archie's burger before he could even blink.
Everybody went to their own place except for Fangs instead he went to Sweet Pea's place.

Sweet Pea's place
"So, how about we finish what we started?" Sweet Pea asked smirking.
Fangs laughed and agreed.
They started making out and heading towards the bedroom and let's just saw 18+ things happened in there.

Next day
Fangs woke up cradled in Sweet Pea's arms and he remembered what had happened last night and he smiled and stared at Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea scrunched his nose up and complained about it being morning already.
That's when it dawned upon Fangs that he forgot to tell Toni where he was and she was probably bombarding his phone with messages.
He checked his phone and he realized he was right.
Instead of actually answering her he instead went back to sleeping next to Sweet Pea.

The end

hope you gays liked it lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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