#9 Fight: Carter Reynolds

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Carter Reynolds Imagine

"You still talk to Deborah don’t you?"

I asked Carter as I followed him into his room.

"And you still talk to Kyler don’t you?"

He shot back while he took his SnapBack off and tossed it on his dresser. We were arguing once again about his ex Deborah. I know he still talks to her.

He acts as if I don’t have a twitter and can’t see what she tweets indirectly about him, and even me.

But everytime I bring her up, he gets all defensive and brings up my ex Kyler, who I haven’t spoke to since me and Carter got into a relationship.

"You know damn well I don’t talk to him anymore."

I snapped at him then pulled off my tight crop top and threw it somewhere in his room then went to my overnight bag to get my red Magcon hoodie, and put it on over my bra.

While I was putting my hair up in a messy bun, I noticed Carter sitting at his computer with his headphones in.

I stopped my movements, letting my long hair back down, and walked over to where he was and ripped his headphones out of his ears.

"What the fuck (y/n)?"

He said angrily.

"You can’t keep ignoring the same question I’ve been asking you for over a month!"

I said loudly, I had to get my point across. But I didn’t wanna yell at him since his mom was just downstairs, and his sister and dad was nearby too.

"Fine, what do you wanna know?"

He asked, and he knew what I wanted to know, he was acting stupid.

"I wanna know if you and Deborah still talk to eachother."

I state. It was silent for a minute before he finally answered me.

"Yes, we do. But not how we used to."

I let his answer sink in, and put my hair up in a messy bun, then shimmied out of my jean shorts and picked up a pair of yoga shorts that I had left on the ground and put them on.

"Are you gonna say something?"

He asked.

"I don’t talk to Kyler at all anymore."

I state while tossing my unlocked phone to Carter.

"You can go through my messages, and see no conversations between me and him. You can go on my Facebook, and see none between me and him.He can’t even DM me on twitter because I’m not following him back."

I watched as Carter locked my phone and tossed it on the bed.

"How am I to know that you and Deborah don’t talk how y’all did when y’all were together?"

I asked him. I figured he would take the lead that I did, and hand me his phone. But he didn’t.

"Well, do you?"

I ask, and when he didn’t answer, I went to grab his phone off the desk next to him, but he quickly grabbed it.

 "Now I know my answer Carter."

I say angrily. I quickly slip on my red vans and grab my phone off the bed and go to walk out of him room whenever he grabs onto my arm.

"Don’t make such a big deal out of this."

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