Chapter 17

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I never thought about me and Jack going out.

I mean I guess I liked him.

Every time I'm with him everything just feels perfect.

I had to go to the bathroom so I told Jack.

While I was walking there I saw someone that looked familiar.


I went to the beach when I saw jacks little snowflake.

I guess she saw me to because when she saw me she was about to yell.

I quickly covered her mouth because I knew Jack wouldn't leave her alone.

I put a piece of cloth over her mouth and nose and she passed out.


Elsa said she was going to go to the bathroom but she still hasn't come back.

I walked over there when I saw pitch carrying her to a car.

I started sprinting

"Pitch you better get away from her!!!" I yelled,.

But it was too late. He started driving away.

I went into my car hoping I could find them.

But I lost them.

I dialed 911 and told them the situation.

I called Anna telling her everything and told kristoff not to leave her alone.

That's what I did with Elsa and look what happened.


I woke up when I realized I was tied to a chair.

My mouth was covered by duct tape.

"Oh good ur awake sweet heart."

I saw pitch come from the shadows.

I started squirming.

"I see Jack couldn't save you this time.

Pitch started approaching me slowly and kissed me on the cheek.

"Now your mine."

I started crying a little.

In my mind I knew Jack is going to find me. Because he's my guardian.


I showed the police officer the way he went and we were searching.

I searched through every deep alley.

When I found a small shack.

I told them and I started hearing some voices.

I told the police officers to let me go in.

I crept inside the room.


I saw Jack come into the room

I knew he was going to find me !

But then I saw pitch stab Jack in the stomach.

I started crying.

Police officers came in and untied me.

I quickly ran over to Jack.

He whispered "d-don't tell m-y pare-nts."

I started crying even more,

"It's ok Jack, everything is gonna be ok."

-------at the hospital------

Jack passed out during the ride to the hospital.

He had surgery and I was in the room with him.

Everyone else was outside waiting.

"Come on Jack wake up."

I was holding his hand the whole time.

------the next day-----

Jack still hasn't woke up.

I was still holding his hand.

"Jack, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault."

I kissed him on the cheek.

He started opening his eyes.

"E-e-Elsa "

I shushed him.

"Jack you have to rest."

"J-j-just come next to me."

I laid next to him with my head on his chest

I was still holding his hand

We stayed like that till he fell asleep

When he woke up I played with his hair a little.

The doctor came in and I sat up quickly.

"Mr. frost everything seems perfect you can leave by tomorrow."

He left and me and Jack were talking.

"Elsa can I stay at ur house. My parents and my sister went on vacation so I don't have anyone to take care of me.

I nodded my head. "Of course you can stay. I just want you to be happy."

"Another question. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded my head.

--------at Elsa house-------


I was laying on Elsa's bed and she came in with some soup.

She was feeding me and the whole time I was watching her.

"E-e-Elsa I'm so sorry that I wasn't here to protect you."

She shushed me and said "it's not your fault ok."

She kissed me on the cheek.

So far this summer wasn't the way it was supposed to be.

But the great thing was that Elsa was always with me,

She never leaves me alone.

At night we both would sleep together.

She would feed me.

She would do everything for me.

--------after a couple of days------


I was happy that Jack was getting better.

Pitch got arrested and we wouldn't have to worry about him anymore.

Everything was perfect when was with him.

When we kissed it was like the whole world would just stop.

Even before he asked me to be his girlfriend everything was the same.

The rest of the summer would be perfect.

We started going out to the movies and to restraunts the whole summer.

But next week school would start and it would be everyone else's last year of highschool except Anna and kristoff they would be juniors.

We all were gonna go to the same college so we can still hang out. We were going to the one in burgess.

I couldn't wait.


Thanks for reading, don't worry I'm still continuing.

I wanted to ask you guys when I'm done with the book if I should continue it to college.

Comment below if I should


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