Chapter 15

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I wanted to know if elsa wanted to come over for dinner. My parents were
dying to meet her.

"Hey Elsa, my parents want to know if you want to come over tonight for dinner?"

"Sure i guess." She replied.

"So we'll go after school. Alright."


-----after school------

I could tell Elsa was nervous.

When we arrived her face looked blank.

"Don't worry Elsa they'll love you.

When I knocked on the door my sister, Emma came to open the door.

"Mom, Jack and his girlfriend are here."

We started to blush. We walked inside.


I was sooo scared.

What if they don't like me what if I do something stupid.

"Jack come and sit here."said his father

"Mom, dad this is Elsa, my girlfriend."

I had no idea what to say.

"Uhhh it's nice to meet you."

"Shall we sit for dinner." Said her mother.

I pulled Jack next to me.

"Do not leave me alone." I told him.

He chuckled and sat next to me.

After talking a while I felt better.

" So Elsa how are your parents?" Asked his mother.

My eyes were starting to water but I promised myself I wouldn't cry.

I saw Jack glance my way.

"Ummm my parents passed away." I told them.

"Oh Elsa I'm so sorry." Said his mother.

"It's ok." I said.

I could feel the tears making their way. I blinked and one tear dropped.

"Maybe her boyfriend should comfort her." Said Emma.

I started to blush again.

After the dinner Jack walked me home.

"Elsa I'm really sorry about tonight."

My parents came to my mind again and the tears that were held back were pouring out.

Jack must have saw me and hugged me in front of the door.

He leaned in for a kiss and our lips met.

I guess that made me feel better because I stopped crying.


I was home while Elsa was at jacks house.

When I went to check the window by the door I saw them hugging.

Then I saw them kiss.

I started squealing and Elsa came inside.

I started singing "Jack kissed Elsa, Jack kissed Elsa."

"Anna quiet down."

"But I can't." I said.

Jelsa was the perfect couple.

Jelsa in highschoolWhere stories live. Discover now