Chapter 20

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Winter was getting closer so we all wore jackets.

Except me and Jack. The cold doesn't bother us.

We were going out to breakfast so we went to the local diner.

I sat next to Jack when I got a phone call from my moms sister.

"Hello?" I said

"Hi Elsa is that you? Well I wanted to know if you and Anna would like to come over tonight.

"Ummm sure what time?"

"Around 6"

"Ok see you then."

I looked at Anna. She was stuffing her face with food.

"Anna were going to moms sisters house tonight for dinner."

"Hmm Mkay." She was trying to chew on the food she stuffed in her mouth.

I hope she doesn't do that tonight.


I couldn't wait to meet my cousins.

Finally! They were coming over.

I heard that their parents died so I'm not going to mention that.

I couldn't wait.


We got ready for dinner. We went with the taxi. They lived about 20 minutes away.

When we arrived my aunt opened the door.

"Welcome Elsa and Anna. I missed you guys so much."

"Hi aunt corona I missed you to."

"Come inside don't stand out there."

We walked in. Their house was way bigger than ours.

"Sweetie come down your cousins are here."

Oh yeah I forgot I had a cousin.


We sat down at the table and about five minutes later she came down

"Hey guys we- WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!"

OMG it was rapunzel.


"Rapunzel rapunzel calm down how do u know them?" Said aunt corona

"We go to the same school."

"Then why are u mad at her?did she something wrong?"

"Yes yes she did. She took my Jackie away from me."

"Elsa what is she talking about?"

"Ummm you see aunt corona me and Jack are going out." I said nervously.

"Well congratulations, he's a fine young man and he'll do perfectly for you!" Boasted uncle corona.

I started blushing a little.

"But daddy she stole him from me."

"We'll not what I've heard of you were never going out with Jack so I don't get how it's stealing." Said uncle

She ran upstairs back into her room.

"Ummm I think we should get going." I said

"No no dear we'll just let rapunzel be."

"Umm ok."

I looked at Anna who was stuffing her face again.

"Anna manners."

"Thank you it's so good." Kinda muffled from all the food.

"Well how about I bring out dessert."

"Chocolate." Me and Anna said in unison. We started giggling.

It was a chocolate cake.

We ate a slice and went home.


I can't believe she's my cousin!

I hate Elsa I will never treat her like my cousin. She will always be my enemy.


We went home and I got a text from Jack.

Bold- Jack

Italics - Elsa

Hey how was the dinner.

It's was good. Turns out rapunzel is my cousin.

WHAT that's crazy. Did she act nicer?

No but she brought out the fact that were going out. Yeah you should've her face when her father said "...he's a fine young man and he'll do perfectly for you!"

Wow that's great. He's a good man to.Alright I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow.

Ok bye.

Love you.

Love you 2


Bold - uncle

Regular - aunt

Italics - rapunzel

"I wonder what got into rapunzel. I know she like Jack but I was so embarrassed when she yelled at them to get out."

"I think Elsa was embarrassed when you talked about Jack that way."

"Well he's a good boy. But if he breaks her heart I'll break him."

"If you do that I think rapunzel will kill you."

"Elsa really reminded me of my sister. Do you think we can go to their grave.

"Of course why not."

"Rapunzel come down plz."

"Honey were going to visit your uncle and aunts grave would you like to come with us."

"Ummm no thanks"

"We'll be gone for a week so you have to take care of the house and no parties or anything."

"Ok bye "



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