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~~~~Last Time on Just Another Generation-->

"So, now I know that this is happening in your sleep, but how? And who is doing this to you?"

I choked out, "My father."

His lips parted in shock and he held my cheeks. I felt more blood come out of the cut and some even from a cut on my other cheek that I just got.

Ryan pulled me in for a tight hug. "You scared the frick out of me!"

I buried my head in his chest and cried.

He just found out my deepest and darkest secret. He probably thought I was crazy.

I pulled away from our hug. "Now you know... I'm a monster."

He shook his head. "No, you're just special... But I don't want you to fall asleep anymore. I don't want you to get hurt again." ~~~~~~~~

Shortly after Ryan became aware of-- I don't know, my "condition,"-- he walked me home.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, tonight? I don't want to see you coming to school with more bruises and cuts tomorrow."

I nodded. "I'll be fine. To be honest, I'm more worried about what my mom's going to say about my face than how tonight's sleep is going to go."

We walked up to the door to my house.

"If it's okay, I'd like to walk you in."

I looked at him and gulped. "Sure."

He took hold of the doorknob, turned it, and opened the door.

I walked in and Ryan followed from close behind.

My brother was sitting in the living room, on the couch. He looked up at me and gave me a confused look. "What happened to your face?"

"Keep up the annoying attitude and I'll make your face look like this too- on purpose!"

He put his hands up in surrender. "Geez, I was just asking. Are you on your period or something?"

I rolled my eyes and ignoring his comment, walked towards the kitchen.

"You want a snack before you go, Ryan?"

Before he could answer, Aiden blurted out, "Are you two dating yet?"

My eyes widened, my cheeks became hot, and I turned to him.

Ryan laughed. "No buddy, we're just friends."

"Yeah," I agreed. "We're not dating."

I turned towards the kitchen once again, and heard Ryan whisper, "...Yet."

I pretended not to hear his small comment and kept walking.

"Oh my gosh, Angela! Your face!" Kira yelled as I walked right into my family sitting at the kitchen table.

My mom stood up and ran to me.

She held her hands against my face in worry. "What happened?"

Before I could respond, Ryan answered, "Fist fight. She didn't want to join in but the other girl threw the first punch and forced her into it."

My mom looked unconvinced but after a small moment of silence, she decided to go along with it. "Well, thanks for bringing her home, Ryan. You should go now."

He nodded. "Of course."

He looked at me. "I'll just eat at my place." Pulling me in for a tight hug, he whispered, "Sleep well tonight."

I whispered back, "I'll try."

We pulled away. He waved at everyone, said goodbye to us, and walked out of the kitchen and out of the house.

"So," I asked as soon as he left, "What's for dinner?"

I headed to the table and sat at my usual seat, trying to avoid the subject that came up nearly a minute ago when I walked into this room.

My mom laughed, but not a laugh like she thought what I just said was hilarious. It was more like a I-know-what-your-up-to-but-i'll-just laugh-to-lighten-the-mood kind of laugh.

She sat next to me. "I know you didn't get into a fistfight today. That boyfriend of yours is a terrible liar."

My eyes widened. "Mom, he's not my boyfriend. Geez! You and Aiden both need to get your facts straightened."

She rolled her eyes. "That's not the point of this discussion. The point is, I wanna know what really happened to your face! And don't act like you don't think I didn't notice your limp too."

Limp? Man, Ryan had been supporting me from falling since I woke up and the whole walk here, I hardly noticed I had a limp.

"So," my mom asked after about thirty seconds of silence, "Are you gonna tell me or not?"

I stood up and walked to the entrance to the living room to get to the stairs.

I looked back once I realized I never gave her an answer. I gulped, my lips parted and I called out, "Not," before running up the stairs to my bedroom.

I could not let her find out about how bad the dreams got today. If she knew, she'd freak out, and do something crazy like make me stay awake all night.

I may be different but I still need my beauty sleep.

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