I went to take a shower and came back to the smell of delicious scrambled eggs and pancakes. "She is out of the shower! We can eat now!" Niall yelled joyously "Liam made us wait for you to finish" he added, and all the boys attacked the extremely large pile of pancakes and drowned the pancakes in syrup, making a big mess i knew Liam and i would be stuck cleaning up later. "MMmmm! Fis is good!" i said through a mouthful of the amazing pancakes.The boys finished their messy but delicious meal and they decided to go do some shopping, leaving Liam and I alone in the large house.
"So, lets get cleaning, Li-Li!" I said
"Sure, I knew we would be stuck doing this, the boys always have some excuse to get out of cleaning." he agreed with an annoyed groan, and he grabbed a roll of paper towels and a big bright blue bottle cleaning spray, tossing me the thick roll of paper towels.
45 minutes later Liam and i had just about finished cleaning up the large mess left by the other boys. Liam and I were chatting the whole time about upcoming interviews and concerts One Direction had. He was right next to me, still cleaning the nearly spotless table with a old torn rag. He started moving closer to me, and i looked into his beautiful bright eyes. He leaned in, and I leaned in a little more, then he kissed me. He pulled back and said softly to me "i'm sorry, I had to do that, just once." I was in shock. I never had any feelings for Liam before, so why had i been so willing to kiss back when he leaned in? Liam- he was the boy who had always seemed like an older brother to me, the kind who would make sure I did'nt do anything stupid and was really overprotective, had just kissed me... and I think i liked it. Wait, i dont THINK i liked it, i really DID like it. I stood there shocked for about 30 more seconds before i snapped out of it when the 4 boys walked into the house, each carrying 3-4 bags.
He said he was sorry. What does he mean... 'sorry'? He said it like it was a accident, like he stepped on my toe, but he had the control to kiss me all along. And what about Harry? Oh, Harry Styles. I was the one who could make him happy, you could practically see his face glowing when he saw me that morning. How would he cope to me dating Liam? I'm sure im over reacting, i mean he doesnt LOVE me... he wouldnt care, he would be fine with me possibly dating Liam, that is if Liam meant it when he said he HAD to do that.

Everything Goes Wrong- A One Direction FanFiction
FanfictionCatie is the little sister of Zayn Malik, from One Direction. When she goes on vacation with the 5 boys, things get crazy when both Liam Payne and Harry Styles develop feelings for her.