Chapter 19: It's All About Us

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'Shit! Shit! Shit!'

Jungkook curse himself for losing the track of time. He was so busy sketching the new design until he didn't realize that he only have less than 30 minutes to the function. Jungkook is running as fast as he can. He couldn't miss his daughter's performance, not when she's hoping that he will be there to support her.

Lucky for Jungkook, he came just in time. The headmaster is now giving an opening speech which mean that he didn't miss any of the performance yet. He quickly move to his seat, slightly embarrassed when he feels all eyes on him.


Jimin's eyes widened seeing Jungkook walking toward his side of the hall. He thought that Sayu said that he wouldn't come. Even Taehyung was there to prove that he can't come. What is going on now? Jimin tried his best to hide behind Taehyung's body.

Jungkook walks to his seat as fast as he can. Just when he about to sit down, he saw Taehyung on a sit next to him.

"Taehyung? What are you doing h--- Jimin?" Jungkook froze when he saw Jimin. Even though he tried to hide himself, he can simply recognized Jimin.

"Sit down first. People are looking!" taheyung yell-whispered at Jungkook.

"I'm here for Sayu." Jimin said, trying to make himself sitting comfortably. Jungkook didn't say anything. Part of him is glad that Jimin is there but the other half, scared of what might happen.


The performance is wonderful. The moment when the students comes out and starts to sing, Taehyung stands up and cheer loudly for Sayu. Jungkook seriously couldn't express how embarrassed he is with taheyung's actions.

But just as Sayu starts singing her part, Jungkook lift up his head, higher, proud of his daughter. He listens to every single words that Sayu is singing. She has a great voice just like his daddy. Jungkook was so proud when he sees other parents mesmerized with her daughter's voice. He held his head up high when he heard some of them praising her. Once the first performance ended, Taehyung and Jimin stands up and clapping loudly.

Jungkook can see that Jimin is also proud of Jimin. He looks on stage Sayu was waving at Jimin while Jimin is blowing her a butterfly kiss. As the biological father, Jungkook was supposed to be jealous on how much Sayu loves Jimin. However, strangely, he was proud of that love. He's proud of how much love Jimin and Sayu have for each other. He just lowered his head and smiles at what he saw just now.


As the solo performance starts, Taehyung tried his best to make those two idiots to talk to each other. But after a while, he gave up because all his efforts became fruitless. Somehow Taehyung just wanted to smack both of them right on their head.

He can see, he can feel that both of them steal glances at on each other but just afraid to say anything. Taehyung who's sitting in the middle of them kind of regret his decision to sit there. He would rather sit on the hard floor than having to stress out with this kind of push-pull atmosphere between those two.

When it's time for Sayu to perform, she walks up and glance at both of her parent. They focus on the stage and of course this time, Jungkook stand up and cheer for his daughter.

Sayu giggles for a bit looking at her silly daddy. She glances at her music teacher who's going to play the piano for her. When her teacher nods her head, Sayu knows that it is the cue for her to start singing.

She closes her eyes and starts singing.

Jungkook clench his fist tightly. He was so proud of Sayu. She's everything, everything for him.

Halfway through the song, Sayu stops singing. She lowered her mic down making her teacher confuse. She tried to sing just in case if Sayu forgot the lyrics. But seeing Sayu didn't even open her mouth, she stops playing the piano. The crowd starts to whisper words about Sayu, making Jungkook and Jimin uncomfortable in his seat.

The crowd keeps on murmuring until they heard Sayu's little voice.

"This song is supposed to be dedicated for my mother. But I doesn't have any mother. I didn't mind about it. Because I has the best daddy in the world! Daddy is my everything. Daddy takes care of me, he tries his best to make me happy. I am very happy. I know that sometimes daddy would cries when we didn't have things to eat. I know that sometimes daddy didn't have enough money for us. I know that daddy always works hard until he's completely exhausted but still manage to smile in front of me. Even though people say daddy is bad, I didn't believe them because for me, daddy is the best daddy. No one could replace daddy's place." Sayu's voice cracking a bit.

Jungkook froze, he didn't even realize that his cheeks is wet with tears right now.

"I didn't have a mummy...... but I have my appa. Appa is more than a mother for me. Appa is always here with me. Just as minjae' mom, soyeon's mom, appa takes care of me. I envy others because they has a mummy to cook for them, take care of them and love them. I didn't have all that. Not until I meet appa. He's my angel, he is my world. He makes me happy when others didn't. Appa showed me loves, show me how to take care of people we love. Appa helps me gets new friends. Something that the teachers didn't do for me. He helps me when I needed him the most, he's always there." Sayu's eyes are pooling with tears.

"So why...... w-why? When I finally feel happy..... Why must---people say bad things to us? Wh-why must appa leave us? Why does they say daddy is a bad per-person? Is it that wrong to be poor like us? Why can't I be happy with them?" Sayu is sobbing hard now. She tried her best to talk in between her tears.

"ap-appa..... Please come back... I love you... please come back to us.... Don't make daddy cry again..." Sayu said before running down to her daddy.

Jungkook hurry up and stand. He rushes to her daughter and hugs her tightly. Both of them are crying. Jungkook doesn't give a shit about what others would think about them. She needs him, she's hurting because of him. Jimin is her world, their world.

Jimin couldn't move, he saw Jungkook and Sayu, hugging while crying on the stairs. His body is shivering, his tears flow down non-stop. He wants to go there, hugs her and tell the world that Sayu is her daughter! He wants to be able to touch Jungkook without people judging them. He wanted to be able to stay with them without hurting Sayu. He wants it so badly, but he couldn't.

Mr. Lee stands up and claps for Sayu. Soon enough, some of the audience including Taehyung stands up clapping and wiping tears away from their cheeks. Most of them feels touched at what Sayu said, but they can't agree with this.

"Hey, that is you daughter right? Go! She need you now" an old man pats Jimin's back while urging him to go. That sentence alone is enough for Jimin to move his body. He stands up and rushed to Sayu and Jungkook. He hugs both of them, making Jungkook startled a bit. But he quickly hugs Jimin's back, unwilling to let him go. He doesn't care anymore. They're going to be together and no one can say anything about it.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry baby... I won't leave you ever again" Jimin kiss Sayu's cheeks. Both are crying mess now. Sayu holds Jimin tight, afraid that if she lets go, Jimin will leave again.

Some of the crowds cheers for them the rest half remain silent. None of them realize how much it hurt for a kid like Sayu to be parted with the one she love as much as she love her parent. She didn't do anything wrong. She needs him, they need each other. It wasn't her fault, it wasn't anyone's fault.


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