Chapter 20: Epilogue

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After the functions ended, most of the people still give Jimin and Jungkook a disgusted look. Yes, they feel pity for the kid, but that is not an excuse to approve those kind of relationship. Some of the parents even took pity towards Sayu, for having poor father, and also a gay one too. Jungkook and Jimin didn't care though. They wanted this.

Mr. Lee comes to see them afterwards saying that he wanted to help as much as he can. But he couldn't do much as he knows half of the PTA members will urge them to expel Sayu from school. So, the best that he can do is to help Sayu to move to another school. Sayu agreed immediately. As long as she can be with her appa and daddy, she didn't mind. After all, she doesn't really has any friend here, so why not?

After a little bit discussion here and there, they agreed to move from there. They wanted to start a new life where they can live happily together. Jaebum insists for Jungkook to keep working there. He's willing to pay a little bit more to Jungkook if he keeps his job. One, because Jungkook is the best tattoo artist that he has, two, most customers are comfortable with Jungkook better than others and three, hey who can design better than Jungkook anyway?

So, yeah, Jungkook keeps on working with Jaebum. The distance now a bit farther now but he's fine. He'll get used to it. As for Jimin, he quits his job and starts working at a Childcare Centre near their new house. But still, they manage to visit the Elderly's Oak once every months. They move out from the old apartment and with Jimin's saving, they rent out an old house.

The house still small, a bit farther than the city, but it's comfortable. And they're happy with it. Sayu got new friends, she's happy at her new school. Everything is perfect for them.


"Jungkook ah, please help me set up the barbeque place. I need to prepare the ingredients babe." Jimin said while making some lamb and chicken skewers. He also prepares some sausages and meat to grill. It is a sunny Sunday and they decided to have barbecue at their backyard.

"Okay sweetheart!" Jungkook shouts while getting all the equipment out.

They're getting ready to start grilling while Sayu helps placing the utensils on the table. She's too excited to have a barbecue since they never did it before.

'Ding dong'

Jungkook rushes to the door to see who came to their house. He expected Taehyung or Yoongi because they just moved out and their only guest so far is just Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. I live next door. I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier, we just came back from Daegu and the next thing we know we had a new neighbor. So we thought we want to say hi." Far from what Jungkook has expected, a man whom he never saw before stands right in front of him. He smiles while greets him and notice there's other people with him.

"Oh, yeah, this is Seokjin, my husband. And these two little soldiers is Hoseok and Hoyoung"

"Hi, I'm Jungkook. Hi there little soldiers. Do you want to come in and have some lamb skewers?" he crouches down to the twin's level.

"Oh, no, we don't want to disturb you. We just came to introduce ourselves." Namjoon said, politely rejecting the invitation.

"And to give some welcoming gift too. It's just a pie but I hope you like it" Seokjin hands Jungkook the freshly baked pie.

"I insist, please come in." Jungkook leads the twins inside making the parents follow behind.

"Jimin ah, we have guests" Jungkook said while placing the pie on the table. He could see that Sayu immediately runs towards the twins and drags them to play with her.

"This is namjoon and his husband Seokjin. This is Jimin, my boyfriend." Jungkook introduces them while Jimin shakes hand with them.

"Nice to meet you. Please have a sit, the food will be ready soon."

Seokjin offers to help and Jimin is more than happy to accept the offer.

"So, did you guys married overseas?" Jimin asks seokjin while flipping the skewers.

"Oh no. we're not married on paper. It's just that, I feel more comfortable to be addressed as a 'husband' than a 'boyfriend'." Seokjin told Jimin about his story with namjoon. True, it's not easy but it wasn't a problem for them. Jimin and Jungkook are happy to meet them, people who has gone the same thing as them, a friend for them to start a new life.


True, Jungkook is young, he made lots of mistakes. But Jimin is there to help him fix those mistakes. Jimin is always there. And as long as he has Jimin and Sayu besides him, he's fine. They're going to be fine.

The end


"Wow, your drawing are great jungkook. I mean, you could make lots of money with this talent!" namjoon said, looking through some of the designs that jungkook made. His eyes widen seeing how beautiful and sharp the drawings are.

"It's actually tattoo designs. Our shop always makes something 'fresh'. We keeps on adding and changing our designs. Well, to attract more customers I guess." Jungkook rubs his neck, embarrassed a bit with namjoon's compliments.

"Say, do you want to work with me? I mean, I could find you customers and you can designs logo's for their companies. You don't have to quit your job, take this as a side-job. But of course, with extra incomes too. How'd you think bout that?" namjoon said, grinning ears to ears.

Never have jungkook thought about that, he's good at designing and it didn't have to just fixed with tattoos only, right? Perhaps this is a way for him to get a better income for his family.


Seriously, The End.


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