Chapter 15: Falling Apart

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"Jungkook ah, can we shop for some groceries today? We've kind of run out of everything" Jimin complaints as he opens every single cabinets in the kitchen only to find some bread and a bottle of peanut butter.

"Yeah sure babe! I'll pick you up early today okay?" Jungkook shouts from the bathroom.

Once he finished showering and dressing Sayu up, they run to the kitchen while playing with each other.

"Jungkook ah, Sayu's headmaster just called. He wanted to meet you today. I told him yes since he said it's important."

"I'm sorry for agreeing without asking you first. If-if you can't go, do you want me to go instead?" Jimin asks while braiding Sayu's hair.

"No, it's fine. I can go. Just need to call Jaebum hyung first. Thanks baby." Jungkook kiss Jimin's forehead before taking his phone to call Jaebum.


Once Jungkook send Sayu to her classroom, he immediately walks to the office to meet the headmaster. He wonders what could be so important that he wanted to meet Jungkook immediately.

*knock Knock*

"Come in please" Jungkook let himself in as soon as he heard that.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, sir. I'm Sayu's father, Jeon Jungkook. I believe that you've called to meet me today?" he asks as polite as he can. He also saw Mrs. Wang, standing right beside the headmaster.

"Ah, Mr. Jeon. Please sit down." Mr. Lee, the headmaster look at Jungkook with a serious face, making Jungkook a little bit nervous.

"Well, firstly, I wanted to apologize for interfering in your personal life. But, Mr. Jeon, I need to know about this as this is also a matter of school." He pushes a few photos at Jungkook.

Jungkook takes them and shocked seeing their pictures at the amusement park yesterday. He looks at the headmaster again, not knowing what to say. Mrs. Wang just stands there, lips smirking a bit.

"If I may know Mr. Jeon, what is your relationship with this man?" he points out to Jimin's picture.

"If I may add, sir, I don't think this kind of intimacy indicates a simple relationship such as friends or family. It seems to be a lot more than that. Isn't it, Mr. Jeon?" Mrs. Wang raised her eyebrows proudly.

"I'm sorry, sir. But why does our relationship affect the school? I don't seem to understand that" Jungkook frowns a bit. Still looking through the pictures.

"*sigh* Mr. Jeon, forgive me for saying this. But, if you're in a romantic relationship with this man here, that would be a big problem for you, us and especially Sayu"

Jongguk immediately looks up at the headmaster as soon as Sayu's name was mentioned.

"Mrs. Wang, can you leave us alone for a bit?" Mr. Lee instruct. And as much as Mrs. Wang wishes to stay, she had to leave anyway, so she leaves them alone with frowns in her face.

"Mr. Jeon, I think you already alarm about other parents' problem with your job, your life and all. So, if they know about this relationship, they will despise you more. And about Sayu, she barely has friends since she came here. And now when she has some friends, do you want to see them backing off from her again? Imagine how she feels if they rejected her this time when she started to befriend with them? How will she handle this stress? She's only 6 years old."

Jungkook couldn't even imagine to see Sayu crying again because she's being bullied by her classmates. It breaks his heart when he remember the time Sayu cried herself to sleep when her friends didn't want to play with her just because he can't afford those damn things like others can. And to have history repeat again? No! He wouldn't let that happened!

"Mr. Jeon, to be honest, there's some parents there witnesses you and your family there. Rumors has spreads widely about you Mr. Jeon. I've enlightened them that those rumors are false. If they knew it the truth then, I afraid I have to expel Sayu from this school. I have to, because other parents wouldn't let their children involve with LGBT's family."

"Mr. Jeon, I would like to help you and Sayu out. Agree with me for this matter, I will explain to the PTA in next meeting that this was all mistakes. What do you say?" Mr. Lee has a high hope for Jungkook to agree.

Jungkook didn't know what to think. He doesn't want Sayu to be expelled. So, that means he just have to tone down his relationship with Jimin in public. So, Jungkook agreed to that suggestions. After thanking Mr. Lee, he walks to Sayu's classroom to check out on her.


Jungkook smiles looking at Sayu who's playing with other kids happily. He never thought that Sayu would be as happy as this in school. He promised to himself that he would never take that away from Sayu.

Jungkook leave the school area with dried tears on his cheeks.


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