Chapter 9

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"You're going to the TV station, Fox 2, to do the morning show, then you'll be heading over to Euclid Records to do a signing." Kip said, reading off the piece of crisp, white paper in front of him. Why he didn't just read the itinerary on his phone or iPad, I have no idea. Must be an old guy thing.

We were in St. Louis today, after what has seemed to be a whirlwind of an east coast sweep. After Philadelphia we hit DC, Baltimore, Boston... you get the idea. If it was a big city in the northeast, we played it. Then we moved down the eastern seaboard, before moving to the Midwest.

Things, as I had predicted, had definitely picked up. As we gained popularity on the tour, we had more and more offers coming our way for TV and radio spots, record and CD signings. Hell, we had even had requests for us to begin having our own meet and greets before the show.

While I welcomed the popularity we were building on this tour, I was getting tired as hell. I found it hard to sleep on the bus, especially with the boys up all hours playing video games and being loud as hell.

I really needed my own bus.

"After the signing, you guys will have a lunch break before we head to the Z107 station for a radio interview, then make your way to the venue from there. Any questions?"

Kip looked up from the paper, looking at each of the boys and then myself, satisfied when he saw none of us had questions.

"Good, I'll see you in the car in twenty." With that, Kip exited the bus and we all let out a collective groan.

"I say we boycott this crap and take a long, well deserved nap. Who's with me?" Jackson said, stretching out his long legs in front of him as he settled back into his seat.

"Me!" Brody said, laying his head on the small kitchen table. You know we've been run ragged when Brody isn't his usual hyper self.

I shook my head, "Guys, this is what we wanted, remember? To be a hot commodity? Loved and adored by droves of fans?"

"I'll give it all back for one solid nap." Brody responded, his words slurring a little, sounding halfway asleep already.

"No such luck, losers. Get up." Hunter stood and pounded his fist on the table, causing both of the other boys to jump and shoot him a death glare.

"New plan. We break Burke's arm. That should get us out of this hell." Jackson muttered. He got up anyway, heading over to make up some coffee before we had to leave.

Caffeine sounded marvelous right at this moment.

"Make me some while you're there." I said, smiling with pleading eyes at Jackson, who looked less than impressed.

"Please? I beg of you, oh great and powerful coffee guru Jackson!"

Brody and Hunter laughed and Jackson cracked a smile.


"Fine, you win. Usual brew?"

I nodded, smiling happily, crossing my legs in front of me, folding my arms behind my head so I can rest my head back against them. It was great to be the boss. Or, a really, really gifted suck-up.

In no time I had some fresh, steaming coffee in a travel mug and Jackson had turned back to the Keurig to make his own cup.

I sipped my coffee and sighed happily as I felt the brew sliding down my throat and warming my tummy. "Heaven, thy name is Caramel Macchiato. Get in mah belleh."

The boys all laughed as they each took turns making their own coffee to go and grabbed some pop tarts or a granola bar for the road.

We all filed out of the bus and made our way to the waiting black Escalade my dad always had at the ready for us, no matter what city we were in. Once we were settled in and buckled up, the SUV quickly left the parking lot, driving us to our first destination of the morning.

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