Chapter 1

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(Aria's POV)

"Stop, stop, stop! You guys are killing me!"

I stood before my band, one hand on my left hip, the other resting on the neck of my Les Paul, glancing between the boys. This song, that we've had down for months now, is completely falling apart. I let out an aggravated sigh, trying to control my temper.

"Guys, we have to get this perfected before Friday. I don't know about you, but I don't wanna be embarrassed in front of the entire student body!"

We had auditioned and gained a slot in the talent show at our school. I know it's not a huge gig or anything, but I didn't want to look like an untalented jerk in front of all my peers.

I looked to my left as my bass player, Hunter, walked over to me. He grabbed me by the arm, pulling me out the side door of the garage. He placed his hands on my shoulders as the door clicked closed behind him and looked at me seriously. "Aria, calm down. We'll work it out. Don't worry. But you taking the band's head off for every little mistake is putting everyone on edge."

I've known Hunter for most of my life. He grew up in the house next door and he is the only one here right now who can bring my temper down from the stratosphere. I lifted my gaze so I was looking directly at Hunter, whose green eyes shimmered with amusement, the frown slowly leaving my lips.

"You need to talk to Brody, Hunter. Help him get his head out of his ass before I kick it," I grumbled, reaching up and sliding my fingers through my straight brown hair.

Hunter nodded, giving me a crooked smile. "I've got this. You just stay out here and cool down for a minute."

I nodded my agreement and Hunter gave me a quick squeeze before disappearing back into the garage. I paced around outside for a couple of minutes before reentering the garage. It was increasingly hard for me to find my chill after a fight with Brody. I swear it was like I was the only one serious about taking this band anywhere. Finally, I had managed to eradicate the tension inside me and I walked back inside.

Hunter was still back by the drum kit talking to Brody when I came back. They finished up their quiet conversation before turning their attention back to me.

"We're ready to go again, Aria." Hunter said, crossing the room to pick up his bass guitar.

I let out another soft sigh. "Fine. Start at the beginning of the first chorus."

I turned away from them both, stepping up to my microphone, ready to let my emotions out through this song. If these imbeciles can manage to play the thing all the way through. I wasn't going to hold my breath.

After three more attempts, we got through the song successfully, with no mistakes. Hallelujah. Once we had managed to do that, we ran through the song three more times, to be sure we had it perfected. I turned around with a smile this time, in a much better mood.

"Now that is what I'm talking about. This is the band I knew we could be. This talent competition is as good as ours."

The boys cheered their agreement, Brody asking, "Hey, can we break for dinner now? We've been at this for hours and I'm wasting away."

I rolled my eyes but nodded, flicking a hand his direction, "Go eat, my minions. I'll see you all back here tomorrow, same time."

The boys cheered again and scurried out the door before I could change my mind. Well, Brody and our keyboard player, Jackson, left like their asses were on fire. Hunter hung back, helping me straighten up the practice space. We worked in comfortable silence winding up cords and shutting off amps, before turning off the lights and leaving my parent's garage.

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