Chapter 2

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The next morning, I sat cross legged on my bed, my guitar in my lap. I dreamt about a song, the melody flowing through my head and the words just out of focus. I scribbled down the notes on the blank sheet music I always kept in the drawer next to my bed. I could play this tune with my eyes closed. Literally.

I finished writing out the tune in less than five minutes. I sat back with a smile and played through the song once again, humming along with the notes, debating what I would do as far as lyrics go. I sighed as I got nowhere. I need Hunter. He's the lyrics guy of the group.

I set my guitar down carefully, hopping off my bed and heading for the guest room that Hunter always occupied when his parents weren't home. I opened the door and saw him sprawled out across the bed, snoring quite loudly. The boy sounded like an 18-wheeler.

I snickered as I walked over to the side of the bed. He hated me waking him up in the morning for a very specific reason. I was kind of a jerk about it. I climbed up on the bed carefully and pounced on him, yelling loudly, "HUNTER!"

Hunter groaned, trying and failing to push me off his body as I bounced on the bed obnoxiously. "Hunter... Hunter... Hunter... Hunter..."

"Oh my God Aria get off me!" He rasped, his voice deep and scratchy with sleep.

I let myself roll off to the other side of the queen-sized bed this time, giggling, "You're such a grumpy ass. Get up! It's a beautiful day!"

Hunter pulled the pillow out from under his head and swung it at me. I blocked it easily.

"No day that I have to get up at the butt crack of dawn is a good day."

"You're such a drama queen. It's already seven o'clock!"

"Shut up, Aria."

I lay there quietly after his last words, listening as he quietly breathed. As his breathing began to slow down again I rolled onto my side, my mouth right next to his ear.

"Don't go back to sleep, Hunter!" I sang, giggling as he growled in response.

Hunter threw the covers off his body, stumbling towards the ensuite bathroom blearily, muttering something about being glad he didn't have any sisters. I was surprised he didn't trip over those long legs of his on the way.

Once I was satisfied he was awake I got up, making my way out of the guest room and then over to my little brother's room. I say little but the kid is a good foot taller than I am. He also happens to suck at getting up to his alarm.

As expected, as I opened the door his alarm was still blaring and he lay there like he was dead. If Hunter wondered why I took such tactics to wake him up, he need not look any further than my little brother Carter. I turned off his alarm since it was of little good and I threw his covers off his body.

Nothing, not even a twitch as the cool air of the bedroom hit his boxer clad body. I wrinkled my nose but decided I was lucky he even had those on. I was traumatized one time when he decided it would be funny to go to bed naked. I had to purge that disgusting sight from my memory.

"Carter, get your stinky ass up."

I shook him as I spoke and he grunted in my direction, rolling over onto his side, his soft snoring resuming.

I pounced on him, much like I did with Hunter. "Carter James! Time to get up!"

I barely made out the 'go away, Aria' before he began snoring again.

"I could let off a bomb and he wouldn't stir." I muttered, standing up and leaving the room, heading downstairs to the kitchen.

I located a whistle, one of those obnoxious ones that coaches have, jogging back upstairs to wake my brother. I walked into the bedroom and stepped over next to him, blowing the whistle, cracking up as he flailed before falling off the bed.

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